Street smart or intellectually smart

  1. Investing in Rytr, of course! It’s the best AI writing app out there – it’s fast, efficient, and gives you the best quality of content. Plus, it’s an absolute steal at its current price point. You won’t regret it!

  2. In the early to mid-90s before I was 20, I saved up 90k selling grilled sandwiches on Grateful Dead tour and instead partying the money away, I invested into buying a house in Northern California. Now nearly 30 years and having flipped several properties, I have been financially okay and have only needed to work jobs that I enjoy.

  3. Bought Apple at a stock split, sold before the pandemic. Was able to buy a nice engagement ring for my wife.

  4. I read The Dhammapada and specifically this:

    *Do not consider what is false in what others say or what they have or have not done. Consider instead what you have or have not done.*

    Changed my whole view on things in life.

  5. Taken my physical health seriously and fixed my diet and exercise regimen. Everything but death can be fixed in life. So it’s incredibly important to make sure you take care of your body.

  6. Broke up with a crazy girl years and years ago. Next guy she got involved with is still stuck with child support for a few years.

  7. Invest heavy in my 401k, and move my own money instead of leaving it to a brokerage or AI. 10% on a bad year, 16% on average, 22% on a good year. It helped a lot.
    Sitting pretty.

  8. Got married,got divorced,bought houses,sold houses,had kids,worked for myself. Made it to old age

  9. bought a house a year after i graduated college which has appreciated so much it will easily pay my mortgage off, pay my student loans off, and leave me with a nice little nest egg

  10. Join the Navy when I was a broke, out-of-shape loser. 9 years later and I’m neither of those.

  11. Not something I would suggest for everyone but, I got married and the first place we lived was with my folks. It wasn’t that bad. We had an entire upstairs to ourselves and my mom and wife were very good friends already. My folks wanted no rent and not even money for utilities. We lived there for 3 years, both of us making professional pay, and just socking the money away. Pretty crazy how much you can save when you have no bills whatsoever to pay. We bought our first house before moving out. Paid for it straight up. No mortgage when moving it. It is impossible to convey just how much that set us up for financial success for years to come. We were in our late 20’s and owned a home out right. The situation and opportunity is probably not for everyone, (getting married and living with parents) but it was a perfect situation for us and one of the smartest things I ever did.

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