Who was/is the dumbest person you know, and why?

  1. The dumbest person I know is actually myself, because I always forget to do the simplest of tasks and end up making silly mistakes.

  2. It’s my roommate. He doesn’t understand basics of using anything in the apartment. Just yesterday he broke the tap in the kitchen sink and the apartment was gonna flood so he called me for help.

  3. Definitely the new hire… I tell him the same stuff every day. It just doesn’t sink in. Though I heard from the grape vine he OD’d and didn’t breathe for like 15 min…

  4. Two answers from different perspectives.

    1. Me. I am the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
    2. One of my friends, who out of respect and consideration will remain nameless. He will never be smart. He has a goddamn heart of gold though and I love him for it. He’ll pick you up when you’re down, he’ll go the extra mile, he’ll help when nobody else will. He will do his goddamn best. He doesn’t need to be smart. He’s there when i need him, and that’s all that matters.

  5. My ex-boyfriend was stealing money from me so I threw him out. A few weeks later I got a letter from a bank that I was past due on my payments so I called them up to tell them that I don’t have an account with them. My ex, on the very same night that I ended our relationship, applied for a credit card in my name and then named himself as an authorized user. The credit card application has all of my information in it except for the email address, where he used his own. There is nothing smart about any of this. All of this was traceable and provable, and now there is a warrant for his arrest for identity theft. He’s going to be arrested but he doesn’t know that yet.

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