Hi, I have a trouble, or I feel like I have trouble keeping the conversation in discord calls with my friend. We usually only get into a call when we play something, usually for an hour or two, no problems during that. It’s what follows after, when we stop playing I don’t have anything to talk about with him and it doesn’t help that he put me in the posting where he waits for my initiative to start a conversation, while he used to brag about how he can talk for a whole company.

It’s even worse when he introduced me to his friends and they have such brilliant chemistry (as in friends, nothing romantic) with each other, they could talk and hang out till morning, while I barely can keep the conversation alive after we finish playing. I don’t know, maybe it’s jealousy that hits me and makes me want to change things, but that doesn’t make me feel that we’re really best friends, more like an occasional guy who you know enough to talk about random stuff, to whine to and info dump about stuff.

And a little about my friend, he is a sweet guy, sadly he has a lot of negative sides. He’s soft, quick to anger and suffers from mood switches. I can’t completely call him a toxic person but he’s still a sweet guy and he was other person when we met. But yeah I suppose his life wasn’t getting any better from the 6 years we knew about, that’s why I try to understand him and accept him as he is.
But the worst part is when we argue and we argue often, many things set him off, I’m always the one’s who’s sorry and who has to make up for it.

And I feel myself like things got deteriorated a bit. I even though we had something special going for a while before he told me he’s unsure and doesn’t think it’ll work out. And him spending more time with his other friends isn’t making it any better. And, yes, I did talk to him about it and his answers were that he thinks everything is fine and he hasn’t started to love me less.

So in the end, it kinda derailed, I need an advice on how to be better at making conversations and maybe how to get more things going with my friend.

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