We’re all aware of the huge disparity between men and women in online dating. Most decent looking women get inundated with likes, messages etc, whereas most men barely get any. Women swipe left on 90%+, while most men swipe right on most women. It gives women the idea they have a lot of choice, so a man really has to stand out. Conversely most men become desperate and settle for almost anyone.

Firstly long term you can see how problematic and unsustainable that is…but it would figure that it makes women see men as so common…like they can get almost any guy for sex. Conversely our society, feminism etc encourages more women to be single, independent etc, which isnt bad in itself, but I still think most want to find someone. The end result is a lot of lonely men and women.

Your thoughts?

  1. The current state of dating is making me lean way more towards staying single forever. I’ll rather focus on my hobbies than be treated like something disposable instead of being seen like a human.

  2. Yes as a woman I get a lot of matches in dating apps. But the ones I choose to talk to and go on a date with have other options. So women don’t have it that easy either. I’ve given up on dating apps a LONG time ago. Going back to the old fashioned way as I don’t want to date men that have 5 other options on the go.

  3. does online dating cause men to devalue themselves and become annoying?

    why do you always gotta blame women for men’s problem? oh yeah, misogyny, right.

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