As a man, how scared are you of other men?

  1. On average not scared at all because there’s no reason to be, however some men definitely give me threatening vibes and I’ve had my share of guys trying to pick fights. I’m prepared to defend myself if anyone wants to start some shit though, so really not scared at all regardless.

  2. I never really think about it unless I encounter someone who is looking sketch then have a realization anything could to happen to me out in the wild and then move on.

  3. I grew up in the ghetto so I’m mostly only scared of people who are in gangs and what not.

    Also I’m like a really big dude, so yeah, if it’s a fair fight with just some regular dude than odds are I’m not too worried.

  4. in the “he could kick my ass” sense very little, none. there are a lot of guys that could beat me up, i’m not saying i’m unbeatable or the toughest by a long shot. i would run before fight in the street. i used to be physically scared (more anxious) of other guys when i was a kid and teenager especially but i got it out of my system over my 20s. i think subconscious fear drives a lot of shitty behavior between guys and i am glad i this is something i gained agency over.

  5. Not scared of any men or woman, but I am not naive about what people are capable of doing to others. So no fears, more watch closely what people do, not what they say.

  6. Zero. I don’t start shit and mind my manners. If someone is stupid enough to try me, they’re quite likely too dumb to be dangerous.

  7. My attitude is: I wish a MF’er would. I’ve won almost all my fights in my life. Now I know there’s always someone out there better, but I’ve yet to meet one, just a matter of time. Haha.

  8. Day-to-day, virtually never. I live and work in pretty safe areas and am a pretty confident person. The few times I’ve been scared of other men, it’s been because I’m gay and I’ve been around guys who were pretty openly homophobic and much bigger/tougher than I am.

  9. Not at all, really. Not unless he’s significantly larger/stronger than me, *and* seems like the type who might be prone to violence. Both of those things have to be true before I’ll be scared of a dude. And while I’m not going to say I *never* encounter guys like that, it’s pretty rare. A significant majority of guys — including big guys — aren’t violence-prone enough to be scared of.

  10. Masculine spaces honestly make me super uneasy. I’m able to act a bit bro-ey because most of my friends are straight guys, but going to somewhere like a barber shop or a gym often makes me uncomfortable.

  11. I’ve been in the army where I trained men to fight and kill and was trained to fight and if needed to kill, I have never been afraid of other men in a physical sense. I also know that I have never been treated unfairly or with violence by other men without reason despite my stature. Women however have been unfair and violent with me my entire life and they are more scary than just about any life and death scenario I have been in.

  12. I mean, I’m not fearless or stupid. I won’t say I’m not afraid of anyone.

    But like aside from seeing like a crazy ass homeless man who is having a shouting match at thin air just noticed me and is hurrying towards me.

    Like that me the last time I was actively scared for my personal safety.

    But like some random douche bag talking shit at the bar…. Nah.

  13. I am sometimes quite scare of other men that I’ve encountered in public because I am 73 years old (and I look my age) and I walk slowly and use a walking cane. I am fearful that some men may bump into me on the street and cause me to lose my balance and fall.

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