I (15) have been socially isolated for the past 5 years ,it started ever since i stopped going to school back in late 2018 at that time i was left with 2 friends and I’m still very good friends with them to this day fast forward to present day i haven’t talked to a female my age since i was 10 and have social anxiety i just feel really lonely even though i have two really good friends it’s this sense of fresh air i want to talk to some one new but i can’t no one my age lives close to me I don’t go to school what am i supposed to do I just feel so lonely I lay at home almost all day I only go outside for the gym and hang out with my two friends once in a while i wish i had some one else to talk to

1 comment
  1. Hey there!

    The best advice I can offer is to try and find opportunities to meet new people (duh. I know) The struggle here is that most people your age are meeting and socializing at school, and when they’re not at school it’s homework or extra curriculars. The first step may be expressing this to your friends, even asking them to introduce you to some of their larger friend groups in social settings (assuming they have one). The next step is getting involved with a hobby group, this can be difficult since you’re young, but look for a community theatre or a game group (like at a game store) in the area of your zoned high school, chances are you’ll find some people your age to meet and talk to! Hell, get a job at a place that hires young near where you would have gone to school!

    Also, don’t focus on talking to women, focus on making friends and gaining confidence. When we build up this idea of talking to women as difficult or like some sort of feat, you are setting yourself up for failure when you actually interact with one!

    Good luck! You got this!

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