What men should do for the better of other men?

  1. Not throw other men under the bus in favor of appealing to the women who are the OP of a post/question here. Just trying to stick together, and realize that they were new to a hobby/interest at some point. There’s just so much women do or seem to do in online communities to get along and interact so well with each other. Yet men don’t seem to do that, I get depression/anxiety is hard but It’s just so frustrating to see most other groups of people support one another and yet men just tend to be eager to shoot down other men and just not get along as well.

  2. It would be a really great world to live in if guys stopped talking shit about they’re so called friends in front of girls to look cool

  3. Be kind to each other. Everyone walking around paranoid that any other man there is a potential threat. Just chill out and be kind to each other, goddamn… the worlds cold enough as is.

  4. Visit your local Applebee’s glory hole, it’s a great place to find community and fun but it’s lonely on the weekdays

  5. Warn them about bad decisions, help them grow, inform them about health, fitness, dating, etc.

  6. When you climb the ladder, help those below you rather than kicking them off. Eventually you will slip and it’s nice to have them there to support you.

    Also support those above you. When you need a hand reaching the next rung, they will remember that.

  7. Socialize themselves to avoid social anxiety, and then educate and encourage other men based on their experience.

    This is the best I can do, anyway, based on my experiences.

  8. – Lifting each other up and being able to support each other.

    – Stop glorifying sex as if it’s the end all be all. As well as stop treating male virginity like it’s a curse that needs to be thrown at any woman who’ll take it as soon as possible.

    – Stop making it seem like women need to be at the center of our lives. You’re happiness shouldn’t depend on you finding a girlfriend or wife.

    – Normalizing talking about our mental health.

  9. Start living by principles.

    A code. Don’t matter if it religious or not.

    But the biggest we need to fix, is our idolisation of sex and women. Long term this is terrible for men and women.

  10. Basically I guess… as guys being aware of the struggles that men face and kinda treating each other with that in mind. Stopping to check in with the guys in your own life and see how they’re doing. Offering support, maybe just an ear. Women are pretty good at that with one another. But men often still tend to minimize or mock other guys struggles as part of the more widespread idea of “man up.” I think most of us have times when we feel vulnerable or lonely… but we hide it because as men we’re supposed to be ‘tough.’ But keeping that all inside is often part of the problem.

    Just being more openly supportive to one another, being positive, and doing things that lift each others spirits more… can go a long way sometimes.

  11. I think social groups will become essential for some all around support, where you just show up to hang rather then a specific team/sport/work.

    And yes you can fully expect these spaces to be under attack as many have been so far.

  12. When asked for advice be blunt, honest and don’t sugar coat things

    I see so many kids stuck in bad jobs because the people they go to for advice who are in the same field aren’t honest with them

  13. the best thing in my opinion is to hold space, to form and hold non-sexual intimate relationships with other men. it was this simple ideology that changed my life

  14. Support other men in their struggles. Give them good advice so they can create a better future for themselves. Call them on their bull shit. Celebrate their successes. Mentor them.

    The best leaders I’ve seen in my job do this. I work in a male dominated field, which is why I say this specifically for men.

  15. Hold women accountable for their actions. So many man will jump to a female’s defence based of her sex alone, without even checking the situation.

  16. – Lift each other up more

    – Form a code based on brotherhood

    – Respect people’s romantic relationships


  17. Teach young men that choosing the right partner is the most important decision they will ever make otherwise they will have a broken family and their kids and money will be taken away

  18. Stop putting up with bullshit behavior from women.

    Early on in life when people act shitty, it’s often inexperience.

    Past that, people act shitty because people around them permit it.

    The last woman I dumped, I dumped because she refused to get a handle on her rampant jealousy issues. Instead, she expected me to accept restrictions from her so she could avoid the work of fixing herself.

    When I was like, “Nah”, she was like, “bUt mY eX wAs fInE wItH iT!?!”

    He shoulda been like “Nah” too. Instead, he accepted restrictions for some years.

    She was 30. At 24, maybe a I’d have been more accepting. At 30? You are who you are and I’m going to step aside so you can find someone who fits you,

    I would have been spared that hassle had the guys before me dumped her over that shit. I like to think me dumping her may have made things better for the next guy, but it’s not my problem…

    But yea..quit taking nonsense behavior off women. It creates the belief that their behavior is appropriate or acceptable because of their appearance.

    We as a species would be better off if we just treated bad people badly, regardless of their appearance or gender.

  19. Speak out against infant circumcision and end the vicious cycle for their sons. Every human deserves their whole unaltered body. Follow the Bloodstained men and their friends in faceblock for more information.

  20. Stop sending unsolicited dick pics.
    Stop hitting on other people’s wife or gf after knowing that they are in a relationship.

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