Edit: **This isn’t about not being liked by people. But being in an atmosphere with passive people who will snub/not like you but never be direct about it, nor own it**

I think this is my biggest weakness with people. I’m okay being rejected. In fact if someone tells me “I don’t like you” to my face, I will respect them for that honesty

But not everyone communicates directly, and I don’t blame them for it. We all have our own struggles/demons we’re working through. But interacting with folks who don’t like you but will never say it out loud, or give any evidence of it, DRIVE ME NUTS. It makes me gaslight myself. It would be hilarious if it was done as a joke. But it’s not

My biggest problem is I’m a great read of people. An old therapist told me to not mindread. But how do you not when your gut feeling is proven right so often? Two of my relationships were so good because I could read those partners like a book. They’d say it too.

But how do I deal with this? I can play their games and ignore/snub them back but that would make me feel petty. Being passive aggressive would be an insult to my integrity. I personally like to acknowledge everyone and give basic human respect even if I’m not a fan of them. And I don’t expect/want others to do this. That would be silly.

  1. To be honest, it’s not something I can control. All I can do is stay true to myself and keep doing my best. Being liked by everyone is an unrealistic expectation, so if someone doesn’t like me for whatever reason, I just try to focus on the people who do.

  2. I don’t care about people who don’t like me.

    I know I’m the most liked person at my job, my local community seems friendly to me and I have loads of great friends. So I don’t care to me what some stranger thinks about me.

    Don’t care what strangers think about you. Care about what your friends and family think of you. Strangers don’t matter.

  3. I have this problem at work, I get way to in tune to other people around me. I’ve mainly been dealing with it by not trusting anything these people say and focusing on my self. I’d like to hear some solutions that work for others

  4. I’m a pretty petty person. If someone snubs me, I do it back to them and make it known to let them know the feeling is mutual. Best thing to do is not worry about people who dont like you and focus on those who do.

  5. > FacelessMane : interacting with folks who don’t like you but will never say it out loud, or give any evidence of it, DRIVE ME NUTS. It makes me gaslight myself

    Get over yourself and respect people’s right to not like you, along with their right to also not be directly confrontational about not liking you.
    Why are you so preoccupied with people directly expressing their like or dislike of you?

  6. I just don’t talk to them. If someone genuinely doesn’t like me, the way I see it is I can go my way and they can go theirs.

    Try not to put yourself in other’s heads too often. It’s easy to assume, to think we know what others feel. I’m sure as you already know, emotions are very complex and deep issues, it can be truly hard to understand what someone is going through unless you can actually talk to them.

  7. “I can play their games and ignore/snub them back but that would make me feel petty.”

    No that’s not being petty. That’s being the adult in the situation.

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