Men who got an std, how did you get it?

  1. I’ve never had one, but I once saw this homeless looking kid holding a sign that said ,”Got crabs from a toilet seat. Need money for shampoo”

  2. Never had one, but a friend of mine raw dogged some chick in Vegas and caught some STD that originated in Africa or some shit. It was fucking disgusting and he’s an idiot.

  3. Shared my dad’s coke when he wasn’t paying attention and I was 6 years old. Cold sores for life now.

  4. I’m actually unsure if I have one. My gf has downstairs herpes. HSV1 I think? I honestly can’t remember, i get hsv1 and hsv2 mixed up. But anyways, she has herpes and we have unprotected sex every time. She’s on medication and hasn’t had an outbreak in like 10 years. After 2 years of dating, I haven’t showed any symptoms of contracting it. But I wouldn’t be surprised if I did contract it.

  5. Got HPV from a girlfriend who lied and said she got tested before we hooked up OR cheated on me (never found out but there was one instance where it was very much a possibility). I got lucky and my body cleared itself, but I don’t get with anyone without testing anymore

  6. Technically doesn’t count as an STD but did get it through sex: yeast infection. Just from an ordinary girl I had sex with. No special story.

  7. I got the clap from a girl in college. The burning and discharge suuuucks. I had just started at job at Office Depot at the time as well.

    Thank God we have health centers in every county to take care of things like this. Went in got tested, given some antibiotics and it cleared up. Paid like twenty bucks.

    Mississippi is a shithole but they at least got this particular thing right.

  8. I got chlamydia at 19 because this girl that I didn’t really know got revenge fucked by some dude with chlamydia.

    She didn’t tell me and I found out from my doctor. She was real trashy lol

  9. One of the two females I was raw dogging gave me Chlamydia. Nothing an awkward trip to the clinic didn’t cure. Luckily it was something I could get rid of.

  10. I got Chlamydia from an EX one time. She cheated on me and gave it to me before she knew she contracted something. Yeah needless to say I was not happy at all and when the nurse staff treated me like I was the ass I had to set the record straight. I said no she is the one who cheated I’m pissed but thanks for assuming.

  11. I always joke that I didn’t “get” herpes, I fucking *earned* it.

    No idea who from, I really enjoyed casual sex back then. Have had it for 8 years.

    Really hasn’t been a big deal. I take a pill every morning that suppresses it, so basically never get outbreaks. I told all my partners since my diagnosis, all but one were fine with it and having sex with me. I’m currently engaged to a beautiful awesome loving woman, who doesn’t have herpes.

    Life goes on.

  12. I’ve never tested positive for HPV, but I know I’ve slept with a few women that had it.

  13. Got drunk and Fooled around with a stripper and hot chlamydia when I was 19. You could say I fucked around and found out.

  14. Just got tested and got the clap and u guys are lucky im not even sure how i got it

  15. Not an STD technically, and I tested clean afterward but l got a Yeast inf from letting my friend give me head. She was bitey and scratched the head, took forever to clear up. She isn’t getting to put her mouth on my dick again.

  16. I’m gay and I’ve had Syphilis and Chlamydia. Neither of them being my fault, I was abused at 14 which is why I got Chlamydia then caught Syphilis at 19 from my second boyfriend. Got rid of them both. Still, happens to the best of us.

  17. I got the clap from an outrageously sexy MILF I picked up from a bar. Gorgeous face, big fake tits, and her ass was hanging off the bar stool with her thong in full view. She looked like a porn star.

    Felt some burning when I pissed for a few days afterwards. Doc gave me an antibiotic pill, and that was that.

    Totally worth it.

  18. I got syphillis from some girl I raw dawged . I guess it was karma from cheating on the girl I was with . The weird thing is that chick had some WAP

  19. Got back from deployment. Had sex with ex-wife. Was like what the hell burns so bad. Go tested, had the clap. Didn’t cheat on deployment and was like byeeee

  20. Had unprotected sex with a girl who had just broken up with her bf some hours before .
    Sex was amazing but I caught gonorrhea out of the deal .
    Went to a planned parenthood, I let her know what was going on as soon as I knew , took pills for a week and that was it .

  21. Not a man buuut my brother had a funny story

    He was dating a stripper and had a few roommates at the time. Well it came to light she was messing with one of his friends, because said friend announces he got the clap from said gf. He confronts her, simultaneously all the roomies *also* get the clap.

    Needless to say the clinic had SEVEN men to treat that day.

    Edit: 6 men and 1 stripper*

  22. Got the clap once because I was a horny idiot.

    It was my first-ever Tinder hookup. I was abroad in my low 20s. She was *even prettier* in person, super cool, and the chemistry was obvious from the start. She was super into me. We were both excited that our date went really well.

    The only thing I did wrong that night was skip using protection. I had never done that before outside of an exclusive relationship. I knew better and I still let myself make dumb decisions. Smh.

    Her enthusiasm *really* turned me on. Part of me was excited to go in raw. She was so beautiful and felt so good, too. I asked if she was on birth control. She said yes and that she was fine with me finishing inside her. So I did. Felt great.

    The sex was so good she came over 2 days later and we spent the whole afternoon AND evening going round after round after round, again with no protection. If I didn’t already have the clap after day 1, then I definitely got it after day 2. We were so into each other that we forgot to go eat, which was the original plan before hooking up again LMAO… we just couldn’t wait. I had no symptoms that I could recall at that point. But it didn’t take long for them to start showing.

    I know… I’m a dummy. Luckily, I’m not a dad. Luckily, I didn’t catch anything else from this woman. But I got the clap and didn’t realize the medication failed the 1st time because I puked it out. So I had to retake the medication 3 months later and it took 6 months total to get the clap out of my system. Those 6 months sucked. And that was the only woman (who wasn’t my gf) that I didn’t use protection for. So yeah, I learned the hard way that rolling the dice once is all you need to catch something. I knew this already but let my horny self gamble anyway. Smh.

  23. Sadly I learned women get STD’s easier than men. This is why they say to make wise decisions. STD’s such as Herpes can happen for women even from using an unsanitary toilet seat. It is crazy.

  24. I have HPV but like 80% of the population will get it at some point so no big deal really. You likely have several forms of HPV already whether it’s the kind that give you hand warts, foot warts, or nut warts.

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