Worked with this guy all summer last year and towards the end of the summer I felt very close with him. When he asked me why I don’t have a gf or joked what my favorite sex positions were I broke it to him that I was still a 22m virgin. He was in his mid 40s. I told him i was a bit frustrated and embarrassed over it but wanted to wait until the time was right and I think he felt bad for me.

After the summer the job ended. at the end of the season work party he brought his 19f daughter around and tried to get her to talk to me. She immediately friended me on FB and was trying to get my attention but frankly I wasn’t into her much and didn’t understand why she was so into me when she didn’t even know me. She dressed in ripped jeans and a cheap hoodie and wore too much makeup.

A couple weeks later her dad asked me to fix her laptop so I did. She came over with her sister and talked about how “back in school all the guys wanted to hookup with me” like she was bragging even though I didn’t find her sexually appealing. I found she posted her snap on her FB so I figured I’d add her cuz I was bored and immediately she sent me a snap of her in a bra wearing makeup. She looked really attractive in that photo so I asked her if she wanted to hang out at all and she said sure. I picked her up a few days later and took her out but she demanded I bring her older sister along so I figured why not. It wasn’t really a date I guess but I took them to some viewpoint and then to dinner. She hardly said a word and was on her phone the whole time while her sis was doing the talking which rubbed me the wrong way. The sister was married but I figured we could get along as friends.

A week later I asked her if she wanted to go out again (just her) but she said she wasn’t feeling good so I waited and asked again a couple days later and she said sure. I asked if she wanted to go see a movie but she demanded instead I come over her place to Netflix and chill and she didn’t wanna go out. At this point I was really attracted to her so I compromised and invited her to my place instead. I picked her up and she was wearing cheap clothes and 10 lbs of makeup and she immediately started talking about how “my sister and dad told me not to fuck you but I told them I’d do what I want”. About an hour in to watching this show she started taking off her clothes and told me to sit next to her ” come closer I don’t bite”. She then started rubbing her feet against mine and asked if she could stay over. I was uncomfortable and wanted to take things slow but I said sure. I said I’d sleep on the couch but she said she’d be cold in bed alone if I did that and I was too drunk to refuse at this point. I didn’t end up fucking her but messed around instead and the whole time she was telling me to stick my dick inside her “and get it over with”. Somehow she knew I was a virgin even though I never told her.

I brought her home the next day and her dad said congratulations to me (wtf?) and that’s when she sent me these messages which rubbed me the wrong way. She seemed too obsessed with talking about sex and something seemed off. She wouldn’t talk about anything else.

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That night I came over I told her I was gonna take it slow and wanted to get to know her a bit more but didn’t mind just making out for now. Within 10 minutes she yanked my hand into her panties and started kissing me. I left 20 minutes later and she apologized. A few days later she told me she had a breakdown and said she needed dick bad because she hadn’t had dick for 4 months and if I wanted this relationship to work I had to fuck her. At this point I told her i was ready and went over and got it over with.

A few weeks go by and everything is good but she still only talks about sex and wants phone sex when I’m not there. When I’m there shes asking me a million questions about my kinks and wants to try all this positions like she has some checklist she’s checking off “now let’s do this now that”. It all felt pretty mechanical to me and there was no love despite her telling me she loved me 1 week in. She even wanted sex on her period and got me sick when she stuck her tongue down my throat. “Oh I forgot to tell you I have a cold”. She tried hard to get me to fuck her while I was coughing up a storm. The “relationship” only lasted a few weeks Before I started asking her to do other things like “let’s go for a walk, or the aquarium, or out to eat”. After I started asking these questions she broke up with me and told me she wants to be single and that “I’m not good for you anyway”.

To me the breakup happened so suddenly and I was shocked and confused. I was just starting to get attached but now Im thinking she might have been a hooker all along. The whole time we dated she told me she was “unemployed” and I caught her flirting with other guys when she thought I wasn’t looking at her phone(towards the end). Whenever I bought her anything at all (a few gifts) she and her dad both got pissed at me while I sat there confused(her dad insisted on knowing how much I paid). If it really is the case then all I can feel is betrayed. While I told him I really wanted to lose my virginity I made it clear I wanted a relationship and I’m not a hookup kinda guy. The last thing she said to me was that she wanted me to go fuck other girls.

Tl:Dr my older coworker may have hired his 19f daughter to take my virginity and pretend to be my gf for a few weeks before dumping me because “I’m too good for her”. Either that or I’m overthinking things.

  1. I highly doubt your ex’s dad and sister are actually related to him. This sounds more like sex trafficking

  2. Uhhh. Unless ‘Dad’ was paying Her to go out with you, she’s not a professional sex worker. Because she didn’t expect money after you had sex, right? Sex workers do it for the money. If there’s no money exchanged and you’re having sex, that’s not a sex worker.

  3. Yeah I’m not sure what kind of sex worker wouldn’t want to get paid. It sounds more like she’s probably a sex addict who just wants it whenever she can get it, and most girls don’t get told no so she pushed too hard for it.

    And it’s weird for a 40 year old to be talking to a early 20s dude about his sex life at work. IDK exactly what his deal is but I get a real bad vibe from that guy. And it seems like they’re both talking to each other about your sex life, which is also weird.

    Anyway, I’d just try to move on from the whole situation. I know that might be hard if you work with her dad, but I’d probably try to get into a new job or something too so you can make a clean break from both of them.

  4. Don’t think she was a sex worker, maybe just a little more promiscuous. Enough so that her dad knew what kind of girl she was and told her to hook up with you.


  5. She probably was his daughter that loved the idea of dating a cirgin and being his first…. but someone can only be rejected so many times before they say “f this”….

    Its in your right to say no. But she through shame in the wind and you still said no, she probably got hit in the self esteem. Especially with how much make up she wears

  6. Goodness, you happened upon a million red-flagged fast one. There are nice ladies out there that wish to talk, take things easy just like you, as well as enjoy walks and museums. I am sorry your first experience was with a crazy one. Wishing you the best in the future.

  7. She sounds more like a sex addict than a sex worker.

    Also, “dad” here seems to be a horrifying pervert and for some reason raised his daughter to be promiscuous and hypersexual. I truly feel sad for her.

  8. The poor girl has clearly had some bad stuff happen to her and thinks she’s not worth more than being a sex object. Her family sounds creepy and, while I think you are well out of this, I do feel bad for her and hope she can find a better path in the future than this over-sexualized form of relationship.

  9. This is not the kind of girl for you please don’t keep entertaining it. It seems like the dad’s overly sexual side rubbed off on his daughter’s. You deserve someone that loves you for more than just the sex.

  10. I don’t know if I believe she’s his daughter. Is she his side business?? That’s so weird he’d be so involved. He’s not a real friend. Run from all these people, my friend.

    And get tested for STDs. Seriously.

  11. A prostitute is gonna ask for money for sex. They don’t have sex for free or they would go outta business. You just found a sex positive girl who was obsessed with taking away your virginity. She didn’t want to date you or get into a relationship, she just wanted the D.

    You did the right thing turning her down since that’s not how you operate. Continue searching for a girl who wants a relationship just like you do.

  12. Well one thing she is not, is a sex worker. They are business people in it strictly for the money. You did not pay her nor did she list her prices. This is so odd I would think it’s a troll post but if it is not; than you found yourself a family that is far beyond bizarre. I would stay far away from these side show freaks.

  13. Sounds like her parents were pressuring her to baby trap you because your family has money.

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