What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to tell your family?

  1. That I was no longer going to participate in the cult—I mean, religion I was raised in.

  2. That I had planned out my suicide.

    It was years ago and I am mostly in a better place now.

  3. Telling my mom that I was in the hospital for suicidal ideation. Luckily, I don’t remember much of it, I was pretty whacked out on the Ativan they gave me, but making that call was excruciating.

  4. That I was trapped in abusive relationship and couldn’t take it any longer and needed their help to get out.

  5. That I was getting divorced and all the why’s that came with it. Most of my family only saw a glimpse of my marriage, they didn’t see the behind closed doors part. They thought I was happy, we were happy, we had a good marriage and we didn’t.

  6. I was bullied and harassed trough high school and that’s why I’m depressed, I never told my parents about this because I hate it when people feel bad for me.

  7. That their toxic lifestyle and constant fighting is not the life I wish to live and that I would like to see less of them.

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