This is something that keeps happening to me (22m). I’ll be chatting to someone new, and the conversation will be going well. Then I’ll wake up the next day, send a message and nothing. They don’t even open it. Then a day or 2 later their profile disappears off whatever dating app I’m using.

I would understand if I’d said or done something to upset whoever it is I’m messaging, but most of the time I literally just say something like ‘hey, how are you doing?’ or ‘how’s your day going?’ or something like that. Its kinda frustrating, especially because no one I’ve messaged has ever even said something like ‘sorry I’ve found someone’, ‘you’re just not my type’ or something along those lines. Normally it’s there one minute and gone the next

Anyone shed some light on this?

  1. The dating market is hard and many people experience what you do. Even without acounting for the imbalance of men and women on those apps. People most of the time need 1 partner yeah it often ends in something like that.

    It is not your fault as far as its possible to know from your description.

  2. The average woman will get hundreds of matches with the most basic profile, men are not so lucky, you will be treated as an option, because you are one.

    It’s not fair, but it’s how it is.

  3. Could you be getting to sexual too quickly before actually meeting

    I think there is. Pretty high un match rate the coco goes there

  4. In dating apps, ghosting is just part of the game. That’s completely normal, don’t beat yourself up about that.

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