My uncle told me a paranormal experience he experienced in his childhood, so I wanted to know if you have experienced such incidents. Cause I haven’t experienced (neither want to) but I’m curious to hear about other’s

  1. Over 10 years ago my mum was driving me back from college, it was night time. We saw what looked like a green star in the sky which I pointed out. It stayed still for a while. Then just saw it drop straight down below the horizon. Haven’t found anything which could explain this green light and the way it moved.

  2. I saw ball lighting traveling along an electrified cattle fence when I was young. It was not a well documented or common phenomenon back then but I knew what I saw. …………..

    As far as witchcraft, and all that other stuff, it is BS.

    There is no “super natural” only science that we do not understand yet.

  3. Im Native and have experienced, witnessed and have had what some would call “paranormal” or unexplained things…..i just call it “Indian Shit”

  4. When i was a kid i could only see my father during the weekends because he would left to work before i was awake and would comeback when i was sleeping. But I’ve always would wake up to the noises of him making candies and cakes in the kitchen early in the morning during the weekends and I would just be so happy that i would go running to greet him, i woke up like this and did this many times. Now keep that in mind. My grandma was extremely religious and sensitive person and some times she would go absolutely berserker protective of me in our home, like everything was fine in one moment and in the other she acted like she was trying to protect me of something but she never explained to me why nor my mother and father talked about. So one day more or less 3 months after my grandma passed it was Friday and i went to bed eager to see my father next morning, and sure enough i woke up in the morning listening to the noises of him making breakfast in the kitchen so i bolted out of my room through the hallway in hour home straight to the kitchen to greet papa, note that while running to the kitchen the sun was shining with morning lights in all the windows of the house i passed trough. Now behold i enter the kitchen and it was empty, pitch black in the middle of the night and just cold and silent all around me. I immediately felt the sensation of imminent death and agony and turned around to go back to my room but to my surprise the kitchen door was completely closed, not that it matters because my vision immediately turned black and i collapsed
    Woke up in my parents room in the morning wet like i someone tossed a bucket of water in me, with my mother sleeping besides me and sure enough my dad on the kitchen making breakfast, i told them what happened and my mother said i had a fever and they hear me falling inside the kitchen. However she did placed a Bible on front of my room door that stayed there until we moved to another home a year latter
    I am 28 now and a couple years ago when talking about this tings my mother told me that my grandma would often see a twisted a deformed humanoid trying to follow me in our home with is why she would act like she did sometimes and whille my mother never saw this the day they found me on the kitchen she felt a feeling of dread so strong that what my grandma would see was the first thing that came to her mind.

  5. Back when I was a teenager, my friend’s dad was in the hospital. Nothing particularly life-threatening. My friend had come with my family on a trip and we were discussing whether to take him back home that night or the next day, ultimately we decided that night.

    That night I had a dream that I was walking through the neighborhood to his house, twilight sky could have been morning or evening. I saw his dad dressed in a suit and briefcase (odd because he worked construction) climbing into his car. He had dark circles around his eyes when he looked at me for a moment, sighed, and drove off. I woke up to a call from my friend, telling me his dad passed in the hospital.

  6. One morning when I left the house for school I was already late. I was a theist back then so I started chanting prayers and did so until I arrived to school, actually earlier than when my journey had started. This kept me a theist for a long time.

    It’s not at all unexplainable, I had most likely misread my watch because I was in a hurry.

  7. About a year ago at Le Mans 24h race I looked up at the sky at midnight and a saw to lights making 2 lines going upwards, left, upwards, left and then disappear.
    It’s not much but I can’t think of any explanation

  8. Remember that Super Bowl when Denver played Seattle.

    About 30 seconds before the first play, I had this weird premonition that Peyton Manning was going to fumble the first snap. I was hanging out with some other guys watching the game and I am so glad I vocalized it and said “wouldn’t it be fucked up if Peyton just fumbled on the first snap”.

    Then it literally happened. Everybody lost their shit at what I had just said. What are the chances….?

  9. One time the cable company provided outstanding customer service and value for my money. It was a day of miracles.

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