What’s the one conspiracy you would want it to be solved?

  1. Kevin Sullivan killed Chris Benoit and I have proof

    Kevin Sullivan also did the JFK Assassination


  2. It’s been settled since GM was fined $5000 for it, but the [Great American Streetcar Scandal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy) still pisses me off and I wish the corporations got a much bigger penalty. GM and other automobile parts manufacturers bought up street cars then replaced them with shitty buses which has crippled public transportation in North America. It’s made us rely more on cars, made North American cities a monotonous sprawl of suburbs, and has made us dependent on O&G companies that are the major contributors to climate change.

  3. What actually occurs to scientists and researchers that make breakthroughs but their work never sees the light of day. Ancient civilizations, ancient technologies, cancer, diseases, aliens, unlimited energy. We should have cracked their secrets years ago!

  4. UFOs. We can’t just not know what’s flying around when nearly the entire sky is under constant surveillance from the ground, air and space.

  5. Intelligent life beyond Earth (or our known physical reality)

    I suppose solved isn’t the right word here, but confirmed.

  6. would say solved but the events of Waco Texas, April 19, 1993 about the federal government burning kids alive, or ruby ridge where the government shot an unarmed pregnant woman and a child

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