i have been together with my girlfriend for around 1.5 years now. Shes 16 and i am 17. The thing is that somehow she lost feelings 1 day after christmas. there was nothing that showed me why. it was just like poof. when i asked her whats wrong and she didnt know what it was. we tried our best to maby find out why. we decided on a relationship break. after 3 days she said that it got better. but that only lasted 1 day. after that the same problem was there. until the point where she said that she wants us to be friends. i thought that maby i spend to much time with her but that was not the case. she said that its my maturity. i mean im working on it but yeah. she knows how i feel and that i cant just let her be my friend. when i asked her if she would give me a second chance she asked when. she says that she doesnt want to give one to me now because she doesnt want to get into a relationship when she doesnt have those feelings. I think that maby if there was this spark again that she would be willing to try it again. i really love her more than anything and i just want to have this feeling and this wonderfull time with her again. the thing that wonders me most was that before she said htat she is loosing felings she was very clingy and really showed me so much love. she isnt one of those girls who goes out much or is known to be socially active. she pretty much stays at home whenere she doesnt need to go to work. btw. if it helps somehow i want to point out that i am her first boyfriend and shes my first girlfriend after a long time of searching and i gave her everything i could.


Tl;dr she lost feelings and i wonder if there is a way how i can maby make her feel the spark again? how should i act during this time bcs rn i am still always available for her and she knows that she can come to me if she needs anything

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