What is the dumbest thing you were told off for in school?

  1. wearing hats, like fuck off if becky can have neon hair i can wear a hat.

    “HaTs ArE dIsTrAcTiNg”

  2. I saw a girl drop her ice pack in the hall so I went to grab it for her to be nice. Well it ended up being a Maxi Pad so when I went to pick it up she turned around and saw me grab it and yelled at me calling me a creepy weirdo. Def mortifying for middle school.

  3. For chewing gum while in the classroom. I was told to remove the gum from my mouth and place it on the end of my nose!!!
    I responded: ໒( . ͡° ͟ʖ ͡° . )७┌∩┐

  4. I got a detention for not breaking up a fight. Principal told me I was “a big guy” so it was my responsibility to step in and stop things.

    The fight was between 2 girls and I was a 14 year old boy that was afraid of even speaking to a girl.


    It’s was senior picture day and my Evangelical Fundamentalist high school. We were doing group photos with all the senior superlatives me (most friendly) and my friend and class president (funniest) thought it would be hilarious if we unzipped our flies and pulled out shirts through the hole for the picture. Cuz it looked like a weiner, get it?

    We totally assumed the picture would get caught on the year book teams editing floor and discarded. It didn’t, it actually got posted on the front page. The year books final draft had to pass through the hands of the Year Book teams teacher, the principal, and the superintendent for being published. They all missed it.

    But the vice presidents mother sure didn’t. And she rallied the troops to make some big stink about it. They suspended us, stripped my buddy of his title, and forced us to spend over $400 on making stickers of a replacement photo and go through all the yearbooks and fix it.

  6. Me and my brother used to pass the study hall teacher (yes, that was her useless job because she was barely qualified for existing) on our drive to school and we’d pass her, cut her off and go on our way. She’d yell at me every day about it, demanding to know who was driving. We agreed to always tell her it was our stepdad and then console her that we were also concerned with his speeding and didn’t feel safe but what could we do? It was fun.

  7. Not using a calculator because it makes other kids feel stupid

    For a whole year I had to pretend to use a calculator to work out 6×7=42

    3rd grade Australian public school

  8. Going to the bathroom. I was in grade 5 and 10 years old I believe. Took too long in the bathroom according to the teacher. She threatened to send me to the principal. Don’t know how she didn’t lose her job as she was a terrible teacher. I’m 23 now and still don’t like her to this day. I heard she was a teacher at another school afterwards and I feel bad for the students who had/have her as I believe she’s still a teacher somehow.

  9. Jumped up and ran shuttles while yelling encouragement with the pe class during my lunch.

  10. Not speaking. I’m a mute

    The story behind this is a new teacher stopped me on the first day of the school year and asked me where the art room was. I gestured for her to follow me, which she refused. I then tried to gesture with my hands and she didn’t understand. Finally started writing it out because what else should I do and she blows her top and starts yelling at me about why I don’t just open my mouth and tell her where to go.

    Thankfully another teacher who knew me came and explained that me not talking wasn’t a choice but a condition before taking her to the art room. I still got detention though for being disrespectful because apparently she complained about me.

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