How to deal with a colleague who keeps presenting my personality as her own. Some of the things I have told her and others she has inspired from my behaviour and she uses it in our common circles at work. Our colleagues find it amusing and actually like her, but it gets frustrating when she does it with people I know too. Being at work I cannot avoid her and she is often close around people that I am too. I am naturally reserved and I would not go about speaking about some of these things (or to behave in such a manner). Neither do I find it professional, but more of what I would feel comfortable to be after work with friends and others. She doesn’t think much of it as she is less prepared on a professional level (which could be another reason why I have caught her attention). Also, some things can be better presented as an act, rather than when being a true issue e.g. like having a language barrier because of living abroad, but she uses it by constantly saying she has a language barrier and asks people to help her all the time (strange that they believe these stuff as she doesn’t even say it another language or speak with an accent). People, however, are falling for it – I do not know – maybe she is good at acting, but I would really like some advice on how to deal with her effectively and to preserve my identity as my own around our common circles.

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