ok so basically I had been talking to this guy for like a month then we lost touch for a kind of a long while. Recently we reconnected and have been talking for bout a two n a half weeks. During that time we had saw each other and I had spent the night at his place. while I was there he had asked me “have you seen or met up with other people” which I was honest and replied “yeah, but things didn’t work out.” I proceeded to ask him the same question, as you do. “NO, no no i haven’t, just you.” My first warning bell went off, he responded a little too fast ig. also it had been literally months since we last talked so the fact that he hasn’t seen or talked to anyone during that time just was…interesting. So fast forward another week and we were talking about something and then he leaves me on read. “alright no biggie maybe he just got busy” cause I know his scheduled and it’s kinda packed. i wait a day and he didn’t say anything. I messaged him,

“hey is everything ok?” and his reply was frantic almost.

“no, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do just give me a sec”

I’m sitting there thinking ok??? What does that mean. i asked him if he was ok and he said no, that he’s needs a bit and that he doesn’t want to mess things up. It was frustrating a little cause I had no clue if he was talking about us or work or family, imo he was being vague. “Mess what up, if u don’t mind me asking ?” he responds “wait I’m sorry just give me a bit.” I said no problem cause it’s stuff he doesnt wanna share and I respect his choice. Well 2 days go by, no update. I decided to text him being straight forward “so what’s going on like fr ? I don’t want to pry but seriously??” HE THEN TELLS ME A GIRL HE MESSED AROUND WITH COUPLE MONTHS AGO TESTED POSITIVE FOR CHLAMYDIA AND HE WENT TO GO GET TESTED AND THAT HE PANICKED CAUSE THIS HASNT HAPPENED BEFORE AND HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO AND DIDNT WANT TO RUIN THINGS BETWEEN US. You’re probably thinking what does this have to do with u, u guys didn’t have sex. NO BUT I GAVE HIM THAT SLOPPY TOP 3000 AND HE WAITED 2 DAYS BEFORE TELLING ME! Now I gotta go get tested for mouth cooties. If he had just been honest from the beginning I wouldn’t be as upset. But he waited and lied about seeing another person. I personally don’t care how many people you’ve been with but once you start lying my trust in you starts to fade. i haven’t even respond because I don’t even know what to say. I Would like to continue talking but others are telling me to just drop him. I don’t know, what would you guys do??

  1. So he lied to you, but you still want to see him.

    Welp, if he fools you twice, shame on you.

  2. He lied to you about seeing someone else. I don’t think you should see him. For the future, make sure you asked partners before you have sex with them when the last time they got tested. Don’t do anything sexual with them until they tell you their results. Make sure you are using protection like condoms and keeping up with your birth control. There’s a lot of diseases and many people don’t know they have something. Your health is the most important.

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