Preface: for the sake of this story, I am calling the girlfriend Jessica and the boyfriend Zach.

At work, there is a couple (F20, M20) who are in the same age range as me (F19).

I have always gotten a really off vibe from Jessica and every time I’ve smiled at her or even just acknowledged her existence, she glares at me.

So recently I went to msg Zach about a work related issue. The message wasn’t going through and it kept failing to send. So of course I assumed he changed his number. I went up to reception to ask what his number was, and the receptionist replied “Oh I just messaged him before, here’s his number” after she gave me his number, I realised it was the one I already had in my phone – but the message wouldn’t send. I asked the receptionist if her text message went through to him, and sure enough it did.

I told her about how my msg wasn’t sending through to him and that he must’ve blocked my number. She looked at me like she knew exactly what was up.

I went off with my thoughts and researched a bit more. And of course, he’s deleted me on facebook too! This is not a big deal, I was just curious as to why he blocked my number and deleted me on facebook when we’ve had absolutely zero beef with one another. Must’ve been Jessica influencing Zach to delete me for some reason.

Keep in mind, I have been in a serious VERY PUBLIC relationship for almost 2 years – longer than I’ve even known about Jessica. So why is she acting this way?

I went into work yesterday and same thing, I passed her and smiled. She, like usual, didn’t acknowledge me and when I looked back at her she was just staring. It’s honestly funny at this point, but I have zero interest in her mans and I’m dating my boyfriend with the full intention of marrying him some day. Jessica was also at the staff party for 2022 and she saw me and my boyfriend there together…

I told my mum and she gave the most motherly response “maybe she just thinks you’re really pretty” thanks mum. Don’t think so but who bloody knows.

  1. What difference does it make what strangers on the Internet think. She obviously is jealous possessive and juvenile. He’s easily manipulated, spineless and juvenile. Stay away from both of them

  2. Mom is right. She thinks you’re competition/a threat to her relationship because she is insecure with herself, her relationship or both

  3. I’d just stay away from the both of them. She’s insecure and he’s whipped or too scared to stand up to her.

  4. I would bet Zach had/has a crush on you and Jessica knows it, so she made him block you everywhere. That would also explain why they avoid you at work.

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