Who was your first, and how was it?

  1. Crystal and it was really good for me. For her I’m certain it was underwhelming and awkward.

  2. Chrissy. She was older and more experienced than me. It was awesome, and I must’ve lasted like 5-10 minutes out of nervousness, afterward I thought “holy shit I’m a god” but the next time it was much shorter, I came crashing back to earth.

  3. a random girl i picked up after losing a bet with my co-workers (i work as a bartender/barback when i was 18). it was really awkward afterwards. we never talked after that but seen each other a couple of time before i moved away.

  4. Suzie, she was amazing. I felt like attached at the wrist afterwards, it was just an amazing experience.

  5. A runescape mod way back when I was 16 , met over RS (34 now).

    Was pretty shit, sack of potatoes comes to mind.

    She also put me off blonde women for life.

  6. A German foreign exchange student, she was 16 and I was 18. Had performance anxiety and had sex for 30 mins. I was didn’t know it at the time and was confused why I couldn’t finish. It was an awkward ending.

  7. My neighbor Sandra, I was 14 and she was 17. It was awesome. I fall in love. A week after that they move to another place. I lost contact and I was confused.

  8. Not bad, I practiced putting the condom on a few times in the dark so I knew what I was doing. Didn’t last too long though 🙂

  9. When I was 18, my friends and I went to Europe the summer before we headed off to college. Cleaned out our bank accounts and just went for it. We met some girls on the train, riding from Spain back to Paris for Bastille day, struck up a conversation, and they offered to let us share the place they were renting for the holiday (we were almost out of money by then). Ended up spending three beautiful days shacked up with Sylvie. She was my first. I almost certainly wasn’t hers, and I’m sure I was awful but she was very generous and encouraging with me, and she seemed to find my pitiful attempts at speaking French endearing. We didn’t keep in touch. Nobody was under the illusion that we were going to try to carry on a transatlantic relationship, but I still think of her fondly.

  10. Prostitute. I am too ugly, women don’t even want to be in the same group with me…

  11. My first “real” girlfriend. I was 18. It was trash. I came almost immediately after getting it in.

  12. A girl named Linda, she was a year older than me. We slept in a friend of hers apartment and had sex in the morning. The apartment was super warm and her friend had a cat that sometimes pooped in the shower so the whole apartment smelled terrible.
    We did it for maybe 10 minutes, I didn’t take off my underwear the whole way, it was pretty terrible.

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