Cannabis has a lot of Benefits to a lot of people, but when do you think it will be finally legalised in the uk to everyone?

  1. It is legal with a private prescription, you do need to have a consultation and have a condition that qualifies for it but you can legally get it in the UK.

    Legal as in going to Tesco to buy it, probably next government 2025/6, I think they will see what happens when Germany implements it and see that it will make a lot of money in tax, as long as there is some sort of safeguarding in place for the very small minority that it can affect mental health in a detrimental way it is not a bad thing, it’s safer than “legal” drugs in the UK such as cigarettes and alcohol imo.

  2. It’s off up to a class i hear the uks broken and 7 year behind look at tyland there loving it

  3. Never, it’s far better to see cops on social media breaking into house grows and taking drugs off the street than it is to see them actively deal with serious crime. But again, you can’t blame the cops either for that. They are seriously understaffed and lots of new recruits leave very early on. The job must be complete dog shit. Single crewed all the time ! Fuck that, why would you ?
    No police, no nhs, no mail, no ambulances.
    Shit state government.
    It’s pretty grim.

  4. There is lots of talk about banning tobacco products. It seems unlikely they’ll legalise cannabis whilst banning cigarettes.

  5. Not with this government that’s for sure. I read somewhere they are planning to remove cannabis users passports and driving license.

    It really needs to be legalized asap. I believe it will increase tourism too.

  6. People are terrified of the NHS collapsing. That is why there we’ve had all these increasing restrictions on junk food, sugar, tobacco, etc. Unless cannabis is proven to have all benefits and no harms, it will not be legalised.

    Especially as it is legal in practice for small quanities in private.

  7. I hope it’s soon so I can have some control over what I buy instead of having to just gamble on whether the stuff from the dealer who keeps trying to get us to listen to the tunes he makes (he moonlights as a DJ) is going to give me a massive panic attack this week or just make me sleepy

  8. It will probably become legal once the government have ran out of things to tax people on .

  9. The only benefit to 99% is that its fun like alcohol

    if its medical nhs can prescribe

    if its “””medical””” (unproven snake oil) holland and barret already sells it

  10. I think within the next 2-3 years we’ll see serious movement on this topic. It’s literally free money for the government as they can tax it like alcohol. As consumers it would also be great if we can see exactly how strong the product we are using is.

  11. It’s legal with a prescription currently, plenty of issues with quality in a newish market but it’s a start And there is plenty of good, if currently expensive, stuff available. Tbh for all I don’t like about this government they are the ones who made this first step and hopefully they’ll see the money to be made, and saved (by no longer wasting police and court time in users) in legalizing something that the majority of people that already want to use are using anyways.

    Prohibition doesn’t work, humans in every civilization since the dawn of time have tried to get fucked up or unwind in a different way. some people just prefer a different way to socialize or relax than drinking. Make it legal, Tax and regulate it.

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