I moved to another city for work. We come to the office twice a week so I have a little social contact, but on the other days, I don’t mind just staying at home and not going outside. A colleague from work asked me today whether I wanna go out with him and his friend. I regret saying yes, because watching a movie at home sounds better to me than going out. I am assuming it is the case because I don’t know whether the evening is going to be fun or not. By staying at home, I know how I am going to feel and what I am going to do. Maybe it is fear from the unknown. At home when my friends asked me to go out, I was always looking forward to it because I’ve known these guys for 10 years so I know I will have fun.

What is your take on this. How can I become more active again? Why have I become so antisocial?

1 comment
  1. My 1 cent, it has to come by naturally. Even being aware that you dislike social activity. There is not much you can do about how you feel or why you do so.

    You can force yourself but will most likely hate it. So why not go for compromise. Go to cafe or a library to sit around people. Do not be social but merely being around people perhaps the desire to connect will come back again without unnecessarily pushing yourself.

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