I 28m and my wife 35f have been together for 5years, dating to married 3 this October. We are in a hard spot with our marriage because of me. I dont have anyone to talk to or vent to. So I would turn to alcohol. I would get drunk every weekend and when she would get home I’d start an argument. I’d call her mean names and accuse her of stuff she’s never done. We recently moved to a new place. Haven’t drank much since we moved. Just a couple nights ago I had a couple to many and I guess I started an argument and said she doesn’t love me. I dont remeber starting a fight or anything. I am beating myself up for it and I don’t wanna lose her. She is saying she needs space and is thinking of divorce. I dont know what to do. I know I need help for my drinking even though I haven’t drank much since we moved here. I need help with my anger problems to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please no negative feedback I already know how big of a screw up crappie person I am.

  1. Get the help you need for your drinking. It’s something you need to do whether she stays or not. Actions mean more than words. I’m sure she’s heard it all before, it’s time to show her that you can do better.

  2. Put your oxygen mask on first. Deal with your anger and alcohol.problems. worrying about staying married at this point is incredibly selfish. You are not a better person so go work on that. Then worry about external relationships.

  3. It’s blindingly obvious. You’re an alcoholic and you need to quit drinking. Don’t put it off.

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