Alright this is by far the most awkward situation I have ever been in & I really really really do not know how to proceed. Help?

Long story short, I found out my friend’s brother likes me & my dumbass said something to my son like “what do you think about BOB?” And it blew up from there. I am so embarrassed! I was at his house and his damn MOTHER comes up to me making all kinds of sexual innuendo jokes about her son & literally my kid and her fist bump. I can’t even see her without her or someone else saying something about it & me turning bright red. I feel like a freaking teenager!!

Anyways, I got his other sister to slip me his number but idk what he knows and what they’ve all gossiped about in front of him. He didn’t seem surprised I text him, but yeah happy and we chatted a bit and I am like omg no wonder my kid likes him and thinks we are a good match. So now I am like crap, how do I go on a date with him with out his family making it all weird? Should I wait for the hype to die down?? Like maybe they will get over it making all the jokes and settle down into something else more entertaining. IDK.

He was busy working on his car today but when he realized I had stopped by & was chatting with one of the girls in his family he brought me a kitten he stopped to cuddle. I am pretty sure I turned into a tomato!!! I couldn’t even say much with his whole family right there ughh I was thinking about asking him what he is doing Thursday but should I wait for him to ask me? I think me texting him 1st should be obvious I am interested, right?

Ugh, this is so ridiculous.

  1. You texting first doesn’t mean you’re romantically interested. If you want to go out with him, just go out with him.

  2. So Bob, I think you’re cute and I’d like to take you out on a date. How about [restsuraunt]? [day] at [time]?

  3. This is so cute. I would try to stop thinking about what the others (your son, his family members) might think, and think if YOU really like him. If you do, then why the hell not shoot your shot?

  4. From your post, it kind of sounds like the family is aware, accepting, and would promote the relationship, at least that’s how I interpret the teasing. You have 2 choices, to just continue texting and getting together with friends as normal and waiting to see if he asks you out, or being direct and asking him yourself.

    I feel the tension and anxiety in making that bold move as I have a situation where I think a friend’s family has been hinting that he and I should get together. Mine is still subtle so I’m waiting it out a little longer to see if it becomes more obvious from him.

    I think ultimately it is what you are comfortable with, but starting small and casual. I think even if you get together, they will still tease you, maybe even moreso, so prepare for that.

  5. Is this the same guy that just yesterday you said you don’t have a future with? So, you just want to ask him out to have sex? While I’m a proponent of casual sex, I think given the relationship with everyone here, you don’t do that. Find someone less problematic.

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