Dear men of reddit, what are some reasons your little buddy won’t stay up if you’re about to get laid?

  1. Tired, something made me not interested but mostly just my own mind bringing up all my insecurities

  2. -hormones be hormoning


    -didn’t get a chance to say I’m not horny but she’s already naked


    -stressed out and no room for sex in my life

    There’s a billion different things. Your body knows what to do to take care of itself and if your body just can’t swing a boner there’s often times a bunch of reasons why

  3. Shitttt wide range of stuff. Nervous, it’s cold, distracted, the sex is disappointing, medications, medical reasons, stress, it’s a long ass list.

  4. Sometimes it’s my brain deciding to think about the worst or most random shit at the time. Despite wanting to focus at the task at hand I might be thinking about work or the last time my little buddy let me down. Then you think about what you’re thinking about and thinking about why you can’t focus, then you think about why you’re thinking about why you can’t focus, and it’s all over.

  5. It’s essentially this completely separate creature living between our legs… that at the same time… is the most intimate part of us.

    And yet… we have very little control over it. It basically just does it’s own thing and we just hope for the best lol.

    Like others said… could be a million reasons.

  6. Think of your dong as your “canary in the coal mine” subconscious warning system.

  7. Not being in the moment. Watched too much porn sometime that I found it a bit tricky to stay up with my partner while doing the real thing. Tried to lessen / get rid of it and focused on the moment and it did wonders.

  8. Me? The only time 2 times it happened was during massive blood loss, and when recovering from double Covid pneumonia.

  9. The curse of the mummy placed on my wee wee prevents me from being happy. So it can go soft when my prude wife bores the hell out of me before sex.

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