This romantic relationship has been my longest yet at about 18 months. I’ve been thinking about ending it for a while but I still can’t believe that I broke it off last week.

I told her that I wanted to break up because I’m having health issues atm and I’m in too much physical discomfort to enjoy our relationship. While it’s true that I’m physically unwell and not fully enjoying our dates much because of it, that isn’t the only reason that I broke up with her.

She’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and I don’t want to break her heart even more by airing out everything that frustrated me. When I asked for things directly in the relationship, I felt largely unheard so part of me is thinking “why be totally honest now- it’s not like she heard me when we were together”.

But now she’s messaging me asking if she did anything to cause the breakup. So maybe I should just be honest? Part of me is thinking that maybe we could get back together if she really heard what I was asking and was able to start to change some things. But part of me is wondering if I’d even really want to go back. I have a pretty low libido these days because of my medical condition (and my confused sexuality tbh) so if we got back together, would we even be ‘together’ if we’re not having sex?

I’m so conflicted about this.. any advice/ thoughts are appreciated. Thanks

  1. Honesty has clarity,stop overthinking this as you already have a lot going on. Just talk to her.

  2. If I were you, exploring my “confused” sexuality is something I’d do before I considered dating anyone seriously. Life is short, you should feel enthusiastic about the person you date. You do not feel that way about this person. It doesn’t mean she’s not sweet or nice, it just means she’s just not the right person for you. My advice is to get out there and see what you DO like.

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