M22 – For the past 6 months I have been at home with minimal interaction among outsiders other than my mom and sometimes to my cousins.
Even when I meet my cousin from childhood onwards, I struggle to talk and I keep quiet .
If someone talks to me then I will respond something and that’s the end.
I can’t continue the conversation and then the silence creeps in.
Its like the ball is always with the other person and even if it’s given, it just bounces off to the same person.
And because of this, I have too much hate inside myself.

I am open to all kind of suggestions and criticisms.

  1. Apparently I am you from the future. At 40 we still haven’t figured it out, but we’re better than we used to be.

  2. Apparently, I might be you from an alternate future. We figured it out and we’re better than we used to be.


    Essentially, it’s about scratching an itch for a topic someone cares about.

  3. Don’t know what to talk about? Easy topic that will always get replies. “The weather, fox news, Trump, Biden, russia” some of thees will get your racist uncle Gregory real happy.

  4. Don’t over complicate the situation in your mind it’s just a phase , it’s really too shall pass ,also as you can see u can express yourself easily but the problem maybe you feel like your tongue and your mind they’re not connected too each other , read books /articles…, do activities, go outer , don’t care too much about what you are saying , it’s like you sabotaging your mind by being aware of the inside instead of the presence of you outer , let ppl talk just follow them with questions don’t try to answer the most of the time .

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