When you were a child, did you ever want to be a girl? Why or why not?

Were you ever considered a sissy growing up? If yes, how did you feel about this?

  1. No, that’s stupid. My generation knew that wasn’t possible and didn’t entertain silly thoughts like that .

  2. Yes , i used to wear girly clothes but i know , fantasies must not taken seriously

  3. When I was a child, I kinda did. I put on my sister’s clothes when she wasn’t there so I could see how it felt. Women’s clothes are surprisingly comfortable, btw. But I grew out of that. It’s cringe as hell to think back on. But I was just dealing with puberty.

  4. Not to be a girl but I did like certain girly things. However the bulk of things I liked were boyish.

    I’m still confused why boys can’t like girl things and still be a boy. I mean I think removing the walls of gender is more in line with that thinking vs putting up more walls by being like he likes to wear dresses and play with dolls so he wants to be a girl.

    Either way this comment section is gunna be interesting

  5. ..I’m logging off.

    I was actually in an endless loop of answering stupid questions, but you’ve snapped me out of it; thanks.

  6. do you mean seriously wanting to be a girl in which you take active steps towards it or a fleeting thought that you don’t seriously entertain like how nice it would be to have boobies(?).

    personally never gave it a thought either way but someone else might have.

    >Were you ever considered a sissy growing up? If yes, how did you feel about this?

    no, the opposite causing fights and shit.

  7. Yes but not because of the reasons you might think. I never fit in because not to sound like a wiseass but I was often much more intellectual than the other kids. And I don’t mean I graduated high school at 12. I would question things a lot and often thought why would people my age do the stupid shit they do and call it fun. I also never liked sports and always thought my time was much better spent in the library or gardening or learning. Not only that I didn’t have a interest in people my age because they never challenged me. So Ofcourse I didn’t fit in with the typical guys my age and when your different people don’t like that because they can’t figure you out or put you in some little box they created of what they think you should be set to their standards.

  8. When I was a child I was envious of the attention they got vs the attention I got, but I never wanted to be one.

  9. I’m a guy but I felt that I wanted to be a girl so badly when I was really young, probably up until around age 3-5. By the time I was in school I more or less forgot about it/it wasn’t on my mind. I would paint my nails and just in general took a lot of interest in things that girls would do, I’d wear pink and pretend to be a girl when I was playing.

  10. The only time I wanted to be a girl was in Kindergarten cus the girls bathroom was purple and ours was green and purple is my favorite color.

    I got in so much trouble using the girls bathroom.

  11. No. The thought just never occurred to me. I don’t think I was even asked a hypothetical “what would you be like as a girl?” question until I was already a teenager.

    Some people tried calling me a sissy as part of picking a fight or the pre-fight blustering, but I believe they were just trying to find some insult to get a rise out of me, it never seemed to be any kind of prevailing judgment about me from others around me.

  12. As a child I did do some gender swap imagination. But was not for wanting to be a girl, but to be a slut. I was a perv my whole life.

  13. There were times where I felt that maybe my life would be a lot easier if I had been born a girl. But I just focus on being a better me, and that seems to be making me happy. Just be you bro. Don’t worry about the noise out there. Keep learning, and keep working at improving every aspect of your life. The more you improve the more you will love the person you’re becoming.

  14. I mean, it’s 2023 now, most people that felt that way as a child are no longer men.

    They have transitioned.

    All those who did not, simply remained as they started.

  15. Nah. I was playing on my Super Nintendo, collecting soldier toys, playing with my yo-yo, and watching mighty morphin power rangers

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