I mean there are so many products, so many chemicals you put on your face, I imagine it feels like a second non porous skin on your face.

  1. No, that’s why I stopped using foundation. It was very disturbing especially during the summer. The other products are fine tho.

  2. lol, yes of course. think of it as like when you put chapstick on, just that it doesn’t stay wet nearly as long. or having a tiny layer of flour on your hands is similar to powder.

  3. It depends on the amount and type of coverage. For people that use heavy color correction for scars, extremely uneven skin tone or to hide tattoos – they generally can’t feel fine things like a light breeze as sensitively as on bare skin. But that’s kind of obvious.

    *There is nothing wrong with using makeup. I strongly believe that it should be a personal choice.

    Fun fact: Heavy metals can be found in a lot of foundation brands. Some bottles will set off a metal detector.

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