When you’re just generally confident about what you say, you will be able to talk to anyone about almost anything, no matter where you are. Speak with ease and don’t overthink about what to say to people. Talking to people doesn’t have to be a big deal and even a task like some consider. And the more you do it the easier it gets. Your brain stores different interactions you’ve had and after a while, you will be comfortable in any situation.

1 comment
  1. I appreciate this is the case for speaking confidently and pretty much my main issue with regards to talking to people.

    I’ve thought about it and, ultimately, it feels like a multi-faceted issue. For one, as a 31 year old man, I feel too immature to talk to most. I’ll want to talk about Dinosaurs or Zombies or Super Powers in one breath, but then horror movies, rock music, video games and books in another. Even topics reserved for 18+, I just feel really immature and judged for it. Like, could you imagine going on a date with someone like me and talking about these sorts of things?

    Secondly, I love finding out about people but it always end up stuck in “interview mode” with people, which they grow tired of. Natural flow is difficult and the questions are, 9 times out of 10, never returned. Hard to remain casually confident with these things going on.

    Sorry; had a little vent there I think haha.

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