My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years. We have our normal ups and downs over the course of our entire relationship. We had a baby last year and another one on the way. He struggles to be supportive and has had anger issues in the past. He is in therapy and it has helped immensely which I am grateful for. What I am concerned about is that he can revert back to his abusive nature if triggered. For example, if he gets frustrated fixing something in the house he will take it out on me and say I’m the most useless person he’s ever met if I can’t fix the problem, or that I’m the reason that things go wrong. He blames me for his unhappiness. Other than these specific times we get along great. Not sure what to do here

  1. You first posted about his outbursts when you were pregnant with your first child. You say therapy has helped, but there is little difference between this post and the last. Why not leave him?

  2. If he is in therapy then you two should be in couples counseling.

    Clearly there is an anger issue with him but if you two become better at communicating then he will slip up and repeat himself. Plus you don’t trust him anymore so clearly that’s something that needs to be addressed

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