What things do you do when you’re being nice or flirting?

  1. I open the door for them, genuinely compliment their hair and clothing, ask “How their day is going?”

  2. i’m not shy as a person but i’m definitely shy when it comes to talking to guys i find attractive, so my flirting style is definitelyyyy very cautious LOL

    i smile and laugh a lot, both because i’m nervous/excited and also because i wanna make him feel good about the convo and himself! i crack a lottttt of jokes too. i’m always told that i’m funny but i really try to kinda lay it on when i’m talking to a guy i like.

    unfortunately, my crush on someone also used to make me cross my own boundaries, like constantly staying up late on the phone to talk to them or just always being available if they wanted to hang out (granted, the two crushes referenced were my high school best friend and a kid who was my neighbor in my dorm at college, so that’s all with a grain of salt)

    when id flirt with guys at the pubs/clubs during study abroad in ireland, id smile, laugh, eye contact, compliments, maybe some light touch of the arm or shoulder

    all in all i’m pretty tame because i’m not really confident in myself in that light! definitely have some room for improvement 😅

  3. If I’m being nice I’ll just smile and laugh, with flirting I’ll most likely try be in close proximity to you and might try find a reason to touch.

  4. This is two different questions. Being nice is just smiling, making small talk, being helpful…..what I would do with anyone as a genuine human.

    Flirting: staring at you from across the room, trying to get my body closer or possibly touching, laughing at everything you say, touching my hair a lot more, finding ways to touch your arm, asking more questions beyond just small talk, actually continuing the conversation in a way that is pleasant and not forced, giving complements, usually using a different cadence of voice and making a lot of eye contact, finding ways to talk exclusively to you and not everyone around so that I’m spending more of my time with you.

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