So I work retail and it can become a 2 person job in some cases. Normally I’m fine with helping others and doing anything I can to make sure our job gets done. However, sometimes I’m busy with a project and I can’t even help if I wanted to.

Months ago I was that guy who would do ANYTHING for someone at work even when they could easily do it themselves but just didn’t want to. Then, it got so bad that my coworker said, ” you can’t keep putting other peoples work before yours because now your stuff isn’t done” it wasn’t uncommon for me to have half finished projects.

Today, I finally felt the affects of not being a people pleaser. My coworker needed me to do something but I was busy. I told them I couldn’t and she said,” see, this is why I like Kevin better because you’re just rude” instantly I felt horrible and bad but soon realized that I can’t just do something to please someone. It’ll only make me miserable.

  1. Totally, part of being in a team role is effectively delegating your work. You have to force yourself to get other people to do the work for you and not sit on your own meekly and thinking you can handle everything,.as soon as you see a task as taking up time, delegate that task and manage your time more effectively. I made this mistake in the first year of my current job because I tried to take on data entry, ordering and handling of some marketing materials and what I ended up with was 5 or 6 tasks half finished weighing on my mind and a neat but under stocked inventory.

  2. This also why I leave work at my scheduled time regardless how busy it gets. People don’t mind if I stay but nobody ever asks or says thanks so not wasting my time on people that don’t appreciate it.

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