Huh well it’s been around 6 years ago. Around in 2016-17
I used to have feelings for a girl but was never available to bring myself to confess to her my feelings. And in 2018 she left the from the town permanently because her father have frequent tranfer job so her family have shifted permanently from the town i live in. Since then I have tried my best to get in contact with her but i can’t
. I ask my friends to help but nobody can find her. Like she was a ghost. A ghost of my past precisely that still haunts to this day. We were in the same grade. but there was her friend which I have known since my first grade but I wasn’t able to contact her either. It is such a drag man…. This sucked so hard i can’t handle this anymore it’s so frustrating. That’s why I’m here and this is the most suitable sub reddit for my problem i think. My friend tells me to let it go but man i can’t i just can’t… There is so much i want to write but I’m so afraid to being judge.for my entire life i was judged all time it’s so frustrating.
At this point i don’t even care if i get a no. I just want an answer man…. sorry for my English i tried gave my best efforts to write thisi hope it’s understandable.

1 comment
  1. She’s not on social media anywhere? Like have you really tried to track her down on the Internet, she might not be alive anymore. I’m not trying to be a bummer but if she’s a young person and she doesn’t have social media, I don’t know. But if you can’t find her You could write what you would write to her if you could locate her and save it on your computer somewhere. Or email it to yourself for later wherever it’s safest. It’ll get the thoughts out of your head so you don’t have to keep them in there, it will get them down on paper so you don’t completely lose them when you let it go, and if by some chance the universe puts her in your path again you can tell her “you’re not gonna believe this but I was really thinking about you a couple years ago and I wrote this letter to you do you want to read it?”

    I don’t know, I find writing things down gets them out of my head and then I don’t have to think about them anymore. I don’t have to remember it, I can completely let it go but I still have it if I need to refer back to it.

    But you could try to find her. If social media doesn’t work Judy records should be back soon. They got taken down because of a technical error but the owner updates the search page every once in a while to let us know he’s still planning to go back online.

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