As above, Sean Bean is famous for his many on screen deaths, at this point im sure the Yorkshire Tea adverts could be his second longest role behind only Sharpe, so surely he can’t have much of a run left in him befoee his bag is rung out. What do you think?

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  2. If he doesn’t drown in his brew diving after a broken hobnob I’m gonna be mightily disappointed.

  3. His cremated ashes should be scattered into the bags of a special edition 120 box

  4. I hope I’m wrong here but…

    ” Yorkshire Tea. Where everything’s done *proper* ”

    Sean’s looks like he’s filmed on a green screen. He’s not even in the room by the looks… that’s not proper.

    (I can say this being frum Yorkshire. Though it saddens me.)

  5. I thought he had stopped taking roles where his character died? Hence – you know – Snowpiercer…

  6. Poisoned by one of those weirdos that thinks that because you add the tea to the milk if pouring from a teapot you do the same with a tea bag.

    I hate tea but even I know not to conjure such dark evil.

  7. 0% chance. He’s refusing jobs where he dies. Also if you google the top 10 of number of on screen deaths, he doesn’t make it in to it

  8. I was always disappointed that we never got to see Sean Bean and John Hurt comparing their on screen deaths in the manner of the 4 Yorkshireman sketch…

    “In mah fust film ah was falsely accused of murderin’ mah wife and kid and ‘anged by my neck till I was dead…”

    “Luxury. Ah was beheaded by mad axeman* for realising the queen was screwing ‘er brother and the king was a bastid”… and so on.

    * Wilko Johnson, god bless him – the description fits either of his best known personas.

  9. In fairness he takes some killing. Three arrows in LOTR.

    In Goldeneye he falls many feet and even then the bugger is still alive. Finished off when most of the radar dish installation lands on him, which was also on fire.

    I think in that case we could have forgiven him a “oh come on!”

  10. DO IT FOR YORKSHIRE, my parents love this advert and i have always enjoyed watching the actor on TV and the big sreen


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