Feeling a bit lonely tonight so thought I’d spark a debate. What’s your ideal night now, and why?

I’m only 24 now but since COVID I’ve found I really don’t have the energy for nights out anymore, they’ve totally lost their appeal, curious to know what everyone else thinks!

  1. Housework done, takeaway orderd, PS5 on. Pj’s on, duvet on the sofa and maybe a glass of either port or JD and Coke. My cat purring away next to me.

    Doing most of the above right now except for the takeaway because nowhere delivers to this godforsaken village.

    Sorry to hear that you’re feeling lonely OP.

  2. Depends on my mood. Some weeks I’d love to just order a takeaway, get into my pajamas, play a boardgame with my husband and then watch a movie whilst snuggling with the cat.

    But my absolute favorite Saturday nights are when we go camping. We’ve probably been on a long walk all day. We’ll pick up some local ciders and a great steak, go back to the campsite, cook over a fire, drink and chat until we can see the stars.

  3. Long relaxing bath once the work computer is shut down. Just me, some lovely bubbles and whatever shit I want to watch on YouTube.

    Then PJ’s on, takeaway ordered, usually Chinese, play switch, watch TV, husband is working until 10 so it’s just some proper me time and I love it! Oh and a good joint too.

  4. Whatever involves my bed, pyjamas, a series or a book.

    I’m only 21 but I’m so over nights out. I don’t miss getting blackout drunk in a dead club at all, I’d rather be by myself and chill

  5. Friday night, I like to chill in my own space with a few beers, watching shit TV or playing games, i dont feel very social as I wind down and just “mong out” after a week at work, but Saturday I want to get out, so ideal scenario is hitting town for a few beers with mate’s and staying out to go to a club later on, I fucking suffer for it on Sunday and often question why I still do it but it’s just so much fun.

  6. I love a night in on a weekend nowadays but I do like the occasional night on the town too.

    For balance you’re asking at 9pm on a Friday, those that like to go out are already out.

  7. I’m about to hit 42 but for the past 15 years plus my idea of a perfect Saturday night ( I work during the day Saturday) is clean sheets, clean jammies, lasagne, wine and a film ( preferably one I have seen before)

  8. Going out for a nice meal or a few drinks with friends. Or just at someones house. But anywhere where we can have a good laugh about stuff.

  9. Partner, tele, ps5 or movie. Maybe smoke up if Im not doing park run in the morn. Saturday nights we’re either out at the pub or seeing friends (probably still at the pub)

    Never go out out at all. Much more low-key. I love an early night too so thats usually on the cards for fridays.

  10. I’m a similar age and don’t really bother with the ‘proper’ night out anymore after covid. Friday nights are usually a chill night either watching the football or on my PS5, but day drinking on a Saturday is the way forward. Meet about 1/2 and then home by 9/10. Sometimes it leads to a silly night where I’m out til 2/3 but it’s very rare. Enough time to chill, have some food and watch a bit of TV or whatever.

  11. Down the pub, meet a girl, have a jolly good night, some mediocre “I just met you, and this is crazy” sex, order a dominos.

  12. I feel a bit alienated from people in threads like these because I’m 26 and I still love going out- I don’t want to go clubbing all night, but I like going out out to bars and pubs. I just don’t have that many friends who don’t have kids etc, so working on making some more so I can carry on doing so!

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