So a few months ago this guy came up to me and we had a small conversation and after that he asked for my phone number. I would have given him my social media but apparently he doesn’t use social media, and I wasn’t comfortable sharing my number, so I ended up rejecting and he understood.

The thing is, I actually thought he was good looking and I wish I would have at least gotten to know him, so I’ve been regretting not getting his number. I see him around in hallways sometimes, but I don’t know if it would be weird if I went up to him and told him I regret not getting his number. What do y’all think?

  1. It’s going to be weird. If a girl rejected me and then much later sought my number, I would have a hard time trusting her. Coz it would be like she just realized something about me and now she wants me. The best it could be for me is just friends with benefits.

    Walk away; that train has left the station. Anyway thats just my 2cents

  2. Not wierd. You werent comfortable sharing your number, but you’ve come around and now you are open to it. We change our mind sometimes, its fine.

  3. People are allowed to change their minds. Especially when they have a moment or two to think about it.

    Next time you see him, give him your number and say something like “I should have done this from the start.”

    He may text you, he may not.

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