TLDR I am( 22 F) in a relationship with a really smart guy (24 M) . At start our relationship was really cold, he ignored me and was unsure if we should be together. He hurt me a lot with his doubts but then in 6months everything has changed. He became more caring, we love to talk about difficult things like philosophy, politics or economics.

Things seems to be better but I met someone else (26 M) . He is not very intelligent, he is not ambitious and talk about something superficial but he is so attracted in me. I have never given this person a chance, I told that I have a bf. My bf has never shown that attention to me, he is still a bit cold. I caught myself that I think constantly about another guy, I am looking forward to his messages and I don’t know how to stop thinking about him.

I feel guilty, I understand that it is just a cheap attraction and with my bf I have a stability. We can talk for hours, he is supportive and really smart

  1. Why are you entertaining texts from some other dude while you’re claiming to be in a relationship with someone?

    If you’re not happy in your current relationships, break that off and then you’re free to date whomever you want.

    Otherwise, block the other guy, stop talking to him and focus on your current relationship.

  2. Coming from a girl who lost an extremely intelligent guy, dont give in. I realized the dumber ones are so irritating in the long run. They can’t hold a conversation and are boring. Its just physical attraction, so in any case try seducing your boyfriend? Maybe that will fill the gap. But trust me. Mental over physical.

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