So I believe in love, no hookup culture. I have never been involved in drinking or drugs. Never abused or cheated on someone. I am 27 male and 6 ft tall, brown skinned. Whenever I start a conversation with a girl, it goes very well until I get ghosted. Is it because I’m a good guy and I abstain from pre marital sex, drinking.
I have also experience that girls go to bad guys then get their heart broken, talk to nice guys again then get attracted to bad guys and this loop continues.
Should I be a bad guy now? Should I be cold hearted and rude to attract women?
I feel tired and upset being a nice guy now.😞


Everyone. I’m sorry if I misinterpreted something. I’m basically talking in the context of my culture. I am not against sex or drinking or anything like that. I apologize for not being clear on my post. I am an open minded individual and I like to talk to different people on this platform. I don’t enforce my opinions on others. I think people here misunderstood me.
I just have been having a hard time building a relationship with a girl and I’ve figured out the points in which I’m lacking. I need to improve myself physically and mentally to get back in the game.
Thank you all for your comments

  1. Being a bad boy is a fallacy. That stuff doesn’t work. Women do like to be treated well, however, they don’t like the stereotypical “nice guy” thing. If you want to test it, just watch. You will end up even more hurt.

    Women do like confidence however, and they like men that are put together and have options (you dress decent, you take care of your body, your career, you have goals, you’re mentally/emotionally in a good place, — honestly there is a lot that goes into it, and these factors are all more important because confidence by itself also doesn’t generally work).

    Being a good guy = you have standards, boundaries, you don’t put women on a pedestal. You have the qualities I listed above.

    And honestly, you’re going to strike out from time to time. It’s part of the game. You’re going to get rejected. You’re going to have some bad moments.

    Just remember, self improvement over everything. Improve yourself for you because you love yourself. You’re happy just being alone.

  2. Women (mostly women) and men above all else, are repulsed by someone who thinks just because he or she is a “nice guy” or “nice girl” they should be with him or her. You come across like one of such “nice guys”. Being nice for the “reward”. If you have to ask why women aren’t giving you the time of day “despite being nice”, then you are 100% a “nice guy”. No one like a person who is entitled.

  3. Not having premarital sex doesn’t make you a good person. You’re probably not getting anywhere because you’re sanctimonious

  4. Hi I’m female 39 to me it seems like the “good” people get treated like trash . Please try to keep your head up

  5. Girls like good guys, but just being good by itself is not enough. Are you interesting? Are you attractive? Are you compatible with the people you’re trying to pursue?

  6. You actually don’t sound very nice. You present yourself as very judgemental. And yes, no wanting to have sex before marriage is probably gonna be a problem in the dating world, but it is not impossible if you change your attitude. You’re not better than people who have sex. You’re just making a personal decision for yourself.

  7. Ummmm first of all the fact you abstain from sex before marriage will put off 99.9% of women on earth.

    So that leaves you with the 0.1% of women left that are into you physically, then it narrows it down even more once they meet you and either like/dislike your personality or what type of person you are and lifestyle you live, your morals etc
 so don’t have your hopes too high but it’s definitely possible to find a partner suited to you.

    With the bad boys thing, the majority of women like strong and confident men. It’s not so much about being bad as in being rude to women but more so in not following the crowd, bad boys make girls feel exited and allow them to have fun without being judged. Women can be more open and care free around bad boys. Bad boys also have an essence of mystery about them and will likely be spontaneous and keep life exiting.

    Also “bad boys” aren’t bad people 😂 most have hearts of gold also, they just know when a women wants to be loved and when a women wants to be fucked. 😈😇

  8. Work on yourself man, you already said in the comments you are depressed, unmotivated and overweight


    Then date
 nobody wants a depressed, unmotivated and overweight man, no matter how good or bad you are

  9. > I believe in love, no hookup culture. I have never been involved in drinking or drugs. Never abused or cheated on someone. I am 27 male and 6 ft tall, brown skinned.

    >I abstain from pre marital sex

    I’m in the same boat, only difference is I do drink.

    You should be aware that there are 2 types of “nice guys”.

    The “genuine nice guy” sees being kind and respectful as a basic expectation of being a decent human being. He does not expect anything in return or even expect people to reciprocate. He is altruistic and does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. He doesn’t view himself as a “nice guy” but as an ordinary person.

    The “fake nice guy” acts kind and respectful appearing as a decent human being. He expects that his kindness will be rewarded or favoured. He does the right thing because it builds his nice guy facade and hopes other people will love him for this. He views himself as a “nice guy” to project this image to others.

    Women know when the “fake nice guy” is around and avoid him but they can’t always identify the “genuine nice guy”.

    You should aim to be the genuine nice guy and search for someone who likes you for who you are rather than you chasing women pretending to be someone you’re not.

    On another note, I don’t think western dating norms work well for us brown guys. Our expectations and behaviours are influenced by our culture, and seems to be quite different from the majority of people in the western countries. I think looking for someone with similar cultural background is probably the best bet. Idk for sure because I’m single af myself and don’t know what I’m doing 😅.

  10. Abstaining from pre marital sex doesn’t make you a good guy. Nor does hooking up, drinking and drugs made you a bad guy.

  11. The reason why women are ‘attracted’ to the ‘bad guy’ is because his attitude is that of assertiveness, confident and fearlessness. He’ll also not be afraid to say things that a woman may not typically like to hear, but it shows that he’s autonomous and can have his own decisions and opinions. He’ll also come across as mysterious, and create emotional fluidity in a woman. On the other hand, a ‘nice’ or ‘good’ guy can tend to be a lot more linear, in the sense that she won’t experience any emotional spiked because she knows the guy is already wanting to invest in her. He might not want to go against her opinions, so agrees to everything she says, only says the right things etc.

    I wouldn’t say you need to change who you are as a person, you probably just need to change your approach.

  12. Everyone. I’m sorry if I misinterpreted something. I’m basically talking in the context of my culture. I am not against sex or drinking or anything like that. I apologize for not being clear on my post. I am an open minded individual and I like to talk to different people on this platform. I don’t enforce my opinions on others. I think people here misunderstood me.
    I just have been having a hard time building a relationship with a girl and I’ve figured out the points in which I’m lacking. I need to improve myself physically and mentally to get back in the game.
    Thank you all for your comments

  13. Most nice women who exists, well they’re taken.

    So yes if you change to the asshole, the one who ghosts girls for days after snobbishly and condescendingly picking them up in a store or on the street while calling them derogatory pet names.

    The one who spends money on themselves frivolously to upgrade your fashion and vehicle where expensive jewelry and colognes..

    Act un interested in most of what they talk of and ignore them completely when they talk about feelings.

    Well you’ll notice hundreds of girls come flocking. And the more you treat them like crap the more they want you.

    Your attacks from feminists will be the same regardless because if you don’t don’t do these things feminists still call you a womanizer and oppressor.

    But to fit the attitude means you need to also pork everyone of them every time you meet. Otherwise they won’t come back

    It’s quite humiliating and stupid really. You’ve been just the friend who’s had all your female friends cry these exact things about the guys they chase.

    It’s a head game.

    And women tend to fall stupidly for it thinking they will change him. Thinking they are different then everyone else he’s been with. When I’m truth it’s his character and only when he’s older will he realize he was messed up.

    I know this side working hospice for dying people who have regrets on their shoulders.

    It’s how sick humanity is gotten if you’d even call people human anymore.

    So in closing you can do all this. But you lose yourself in the process because it’s not who you are but women don’t see that uniqueness that even if they were horribly disfigured, you’d still love and care for them. So don’t lose yourself to a world bent on consuming each other for self gratification

  14. Well I’m 24 and I don’t want a good boy but I want a good man and fortunately I’m currently in a relationship with one

  15. Being “nice” is the bare minimum, it’s also about compatability. Sex is important to me, I wouldn’t date someone seriously until I know if we are physically compatable. That would make someone like you incompatable for me. For some it would be wanting to be able to invite their partners to bars with friends. You have a lot of restrictions on yourself and not everyone is going to be interested in that. The more restrictions a person has on themselves the harder it becomes to find a partner with those same values.

    That said there’s nothing WRONG with having those preferances but it WILL mean more rejection over all as you look for someone with the same inclinations. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the women rejecting you or that they only like bad men. It just means your not compatable with what they want and they chose to move on.

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