What are some podcasts/books that have positively shaped your view of the world and life as men?

  1. “Never split the Difference” by Chris Voss. Retired FBI agent who pretty much invented the art of hostage negotiation as we know it. Pretty much every law enforcement agency in the world uses his hostage negotiation techniques now.

    The negotiation/rhetorical strategies you’ll learn from that book are literally life-changing. Most of them are pretty simple and easy to use in everyday conversations, too.

  2. Jocko podcast. Jocko is a retired navy SEAL officer with an english degree. He discusses different books usually about military history, discipline and fitness.

  3. How to make friends and influence people. Great for all around communication. Opening up a guide to creating and sustaining an open relationship and the ethical slut loosely helped form relationship understanding and direction.

  4. Machiavellis “The Prince”. At least for a while. Now I try my best to be a decent person and not use others.

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