Long story, but I’m going on a pretty spontaneous weekend getaway with someone that is currently, just a friend. We have both had a rough year last year and became closer over time – through venting about our issues and encouraging each other to seek better for ourselves. I have a bit of a crush on him and would like if things could be more, but I’m also a go-with-the-flow kind of person and really love and respect him as a friend too. If he ends up not sharing the same interest in me, that’s completely okay.

That said, this trip is out of town and a really big deal to both me and him (he doesn’t get a lot of vacation time and idk when I’ll be able to see him again). I still want to surprise him with something nice and memorable, without being too overbearing. Tbh I initially thought inviting him on this trip might be a little too much but he was absolutely fucking delighted. So I think there’s a strong potential for romance, but I still wanna be a little subtle. We BOTH need a breather from life and I think if I’m too pushy about things it will start to feel more like a chore than a lighthearted date or cool plans. I ultimately just want to make him feel really special and appreciated, cause he is! ^-^

Some things I was thinking we could do:
– Go to a local punk show or other music event
– Check out a record store or music shop
– Thrift shopping? (Not 100% about this one it’s an activity I like but I’m not sure he would)
– Find a museum or art gallery to visit
– Get tattoos together (NO NAMES lol and not even matching, I just mean go into the shop together)

We will be going out to dinner a couple times so we, y’know, don’t starve lol. So I don’t really count that. Are there any other suggestions you can think of?

Also does anyone have any advice for making my move/shooting my shot in a way that’s nice and lighthearted and puts the ball in his court? I do want to let him know but I don’t want to overwhelm him. I want it to be wholesome.

I really do think the world of him. I’ve watched his confidence suffer a bit over the past year and if absolutely nothing else and no relationship is gained from this I at least really want him to feel happy and confident and know that people do care about him, find him attractive, want him to succeed, etc. <3

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