I met a girl on a dating app last week she messaged first and seemed very interested in meeting we planned a date for this Tuesday and then pushed it back to today since the weather was pretty bad here.. the last time we texted was yesterday at 7pm so I double texted her to confirm if the date was still on.. she texted me saying β€œhiii i’m so sorry but would we reschedule for some time next week?😫 i have some errands when i get off at 6 and by the time i do that and take (her dog) for a walk i feel like it’s going to be really late :(.” How should I respond to her??

  1. I mean if you’re right in saying she seemed genuinely interested, then you could give her the benefit of the doubt. Reschedule the date and take it from there. You don’t really have anything to lose by waiting for another day, but if she is genuine then it may be worth your while.

  2. Two reschedules, looks more like a slow fade, tbh. If she was keen, she would make the time.

    Give her a time and place for early next week, but if no reply to that in 24 hours, delete and move on.

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