One action can be deleting/adding a certain behavior, event, emotion, etc.

  1. Deletion of the tribal instinct in babies. Remove or lower the instinct of defending one’s tribe and hate the other ones.

    But has to be pointed out the fact that fixing the world with one action is literally science fiction.

  2. Eliminate the “winner take all” & “win at all costs” & “every man for himself” attitudes (along with the systems that encourage/enforce them).

    The problem with “winner take all” is that it *requires* a “win at all costs” approach since there’s nothing left for everybody who doesn’t win.

    The problem with win-at-all-costs is that victory is hollow when it costs everything.

    Humanity will never evolve as long as it remains stuck in those mentalities.

  3. Let climate change happen and kill off 90% of the human race, world will recover itself then like it always does anytime climate change has happened

  4. Remove all nuclear weapon capabilities (also covering the building of new nuclear weapons of course).

  5. Somewhere I read that humans and chimpanzees share a mutation of a gene which governs the downregulation of aggression. Essentially, unlike other mammals, we can get aggressive quickly but cannot stop being aggressive quickly.

    I’d undo that mutation.

  6. Tbh, I think the greatest error in this seems to be the attitude in general. There seems to be a pretty confident assumption that we have all the data and figured out the systems so thoroughly, while also knowing about an “objective, universal truth”, which put all together allows us to identify and eliminate all the problems.

    And nothing could be further from the truth. We are still a bunch of monkey who recently fell out of some trees, started to fiddle around with things and decided that some things are “good” or “bad”. We understand substantially more things, sure, but do we have it all figured out? Nah, that’s just another iteration of “God personally created us and everything in the universe is circling around our space rock”.

  7. i would thanos snap us all out of existence. Sorry but he was half right, we are the villians of the universe. If humans ever got off the planet and started traveling through space we would be the Ferengi .

  8. have everyone embrace transhumanism as the offsets of this would fix all the problems of humanity and the planet

  9. Just give a speech on how at the end of the day we are all people yet we can’t get along because of differences in beliefs and traditions. I don’t care what anyone believes in I’ll be kind to them because the world has enough assholes.

  10. No more billionaires.

    Or every politician has to make the minimum wage of their represented state.

  11. Depends on your definition of a fixed world. The only real way to guarantee everything’s “perfect” is to make humans mindless drones that just upkeep the earth. As long as free wills a thing people will do great and horrible things

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