What kind of DMs you get a lot? What do you do about creepy or annoying DMs?

  1. DM’s are turned off but I currently have 441 chat requests, anything creepy gets blocked immediately

    Most of them are a mix of “hey/hi” spam and compliments

  2. None. The first thing I do when I create a Reddit account is disabling DM’s and chat.

    But before that, the majority were from angry people who got upset at something I’ve posted and were too chicken to start an argument in the comments. It was either that or lonely guys who had chosen me as their personal chatbot for the night. To sum it up, I’m not exactly missing out on anything.

  3. It’s rare I get a creepy DM more often it’s suspicious/questionable chat requests which I laugh at for a couple of seconds and then promptly ignore/forget about.

  4. Before I disabled chat requests and DMs, I mainly got Reddit messages from people who were salty about getting modded here and wanted to discuss it in private messages instead of in modmail. I’d say it was primarily messages from folks who wanted to call me slurs for removing something. Pretty much no one who came into my personal inbox was any good, because the sane, rational ones read their entire removal messages and knew to message modmail.

    The non-mod DMs that I got were usually lame-ass dry “Hi” messages that often turned into some creep wanting to perv on me over some comment I’d left somewhere on Reddit.

  5. I have DM/Chat enabled for accounts older than 30 days. I’d say it’s 50% nice and 50% gross. As I usually stick to book and bird/insect/plant/fungi identification subreddits, I get most DMs after I reply to one of the topics on this subreddit.

    Gross/creepy ones get blocked immediately, others I usually reply to as long as they write more than a ‘hi’, because in too many cases that was the precursor to a dickpic.
    Some people genuinely want to talk about shared interests. Others message to ask about a reply I wrote on this sub, which is fine, as long as it’s not trauma-tourism.

  6. I once posted a story in letsnotmeet and I got a ton of YouTubers/podcaster wanting to read it. Then I deleted that story, cause it was so annoying and never got message since.

  7. Most of the DMs I get are people saying “hey/hi” and wanting to “chat.” I tell them my rates for that kind of thing. If they’re being inappropriate, I block them.

  8. I have a large following on twitter and I get a lot of weird dms. They mostly make me laugh. There’s the usual “do you sell nudes?” Then a lot of “let me see that pussy” but my favorite so far has been “plz step on my ballz”
    I just ignore them all.
    Read and laugh and ignore.

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