What will you never ever do again?

  1. Drink Ol’ Smokey Moonshine.

    I like moonshine just fine, but that garbage is awful.

  2. Date a Muslim chick.
    Her family where some of the most racist and garbage human beings I have ever met. I’ve had friends experience the same. Not worth the hassle.

  3. Have more kids, on my way to get fixed. I love my kids, but 2 is enough for me

  4. Heroin. Nothing bad ever came of it, but there’s no reason to roll the dice on that again.

  5. Move in with a woman.

    Take anybody else’s feelings/advice into account when I buy a house.

  6. In my twenties at a party I got so drunk I passed out. I woke up 3 hours later to a guy sucking my limp dick. Even after being passed out for 3 hours I was still drunk and high.

    I’ve never gotten that drunk again.

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