I (25M) have lost all interest. I have been only on 2-3 dates my entire life. I have never had a girlfriend, yet had sex. I have fear of approaching women, shooting my shoot. Yet I kept trying. Yet I kept hoping. I got used to feel bad and lonely when I saw other happy couples, especially on holidays.

But now, there is nothing. There is no need, no craving, no urge to get into dating life, to get something done with my love life. As if that is not meant for me. But it feels wrong. What should I do?

  1. Take the extra space and time and energy you have now and invest it in yourself and your happiness.

  2. Not feeling anything now could be because, after all the trying without much success, you’re now suppressing your emotions as a coping mechanism to protect yourself from feeling bad and lonely.

    It feels wrong because wanting that companionship, and to meet someone that you connect with a basic human need. I wouldn’t give up.

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