(Copy and pasted from another subreddit)

Hello. I’m on a throwaway account but basically I went twice to a massage parlour and had both times a thai body to body massage this week.

The first time there was not much rubbing between genitals and I only sucked on her nipple and nibbled her ear but no penetration or oral was involved.

I then went again (IK STUPID OF ME) and this time there was no sucking or anything. Just body rubbing, i believe genitals rubbing was slightly more prolonged but hard to tell due to the oil. I did not release inside either since it ended up going towards their chest or stomach. As for vaginal fluids.. Im not sure, hard to tell due to oil .

After that last one my post NUT clarity kicked in and now Im anxious that I may have made a big mistake. There were no penetrative sex as far as I was concerned but then again I fear that the genital rubbing from the latter or nipple sucking from the first one may have transferred HIV to me. They both have said that they’re ok and to not worry and even one of them said that they get tested before they took the job. Even the receptionist reassured me that they were all clean and healthy and that I should calm down since no sex was involved. Am I in trouble???

One thing is for certain, never goin thru a massage like that again hahaha.

Edit: Polished the post.

  1. Based on what the CDC us saying, your risk of HIV transmission is extremely low but other STDS such a herpes can be transmitted through body fluid contract. Genital herpes (HSV-2) is treatable. People have it and don’t even know it until they have a breakout. The common cold sore HSV-1 is also herpes and sixty seven percent of the population globally has HSV-1. My wife gets cold sores once or twice a year and I never get them. Maybe, I’m immune to HSV-1. Don’t worry or panic. You have to wait a couple of months before you can get tested.

    [CDC – Risk Behaviors](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html)

    [CDC – Basic HIV Stats](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/statistics.html)

  2. They got tested “when they started working there”…… and how many men have they had sexual contact with since?

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