We went on our first date on September 2021.We went on 5 dates in total and 3 of them were at his house.The first time at his place we started making out and he didn’t even touch me.Not weird.Same thing happened the next 2 times and I started to questioning.

He stopped talking to me because he said he wants to be alone and that his mental health wasn’t good.

Two months ago he texted me again wanting to see me.I decided to give him another chance.

I went over to his house again and I decided to make the first move by touching his pants and he took my hand away saying “That’s not going to happen today” in a playful tone.He did finger me though.

I asked why later and he said that he had a surgery months ago and that it hurts.(he didn’t mention if that was on his genitals or close area nor what surgery that was and I didn’t ask)

2 months had passed and we are still not having sex.Only foreplay but not always.

In those 2 months we have done foreplay like 6-7 times and we meet up at least twice a week.Also it is hard for him to keep an erection every time.He looses erection like 2 times.
He is not a virgin because he has mentioned having sex with other people in the past.

We only tried penetration once and after seconds he got out because he said that he is in pain.

Most of the time he avoids even foreplay saying things like “I have a headache” “I feel sleepy” “Let’s watch a movie instead”.

I start to loose my patience because every time he makes excuses without telling me the actual reason.It makes me feel undesirable.

Does anyone have a clue what it might be happening?I feel like I will lose it.

  1. Are you able to ask him about it? Like what the surgery was? Ask him if there’s anything you can do to make things more comfortable for him.

    On the contrary, if he’s not willing to give you any answers as to what’s going on, it is completely okay for you to end things. If you two aren’t sexually compatible, it’s okay to leave that. You also deserve someone that isn’t going to be jerking you around and that will actually communicate their problems if they have one. And a lack of honesty and communication are also incredibly valid reasons to end things.

    Edit: Also it’s only been 2 months. That’s no time at all. Don’t sink anymore time into someone if your needs aren’t being met.

  2. You need to actually talk to him. Get into the why. If he won’t go into detail, leave. No one here can read his mind.

  3. He probably won’t have sex with you because you refuse to put a space between sentences!!

  4. When you tried it where did he feel the pain? Does his dick actually hurt or somewhere else?

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