
when I was younger it seemed to be just fine to smile at someone and than start chatting with them and exchange numbers and then maybe start dating. That is how I met my ex wife in the university library, when she was sitting opposite me working on the computer.

Nowadays, it feels like that is not ok. Tinder or other online dating apps don’t work for me, it seems that only women several years older than me are interested in me, and even those just very very few. I don’t have a problem with more mature women at all, it’s just weird that their is nobody around my age …

It’s not possible for me to meet anybody at work. It’s a tiny workplace and they are all in relationships or way older or way younger.

It seems to be not ok any longer to just go up and talk to women, say in the park or the library, etc. Even most hobbies here in Finland seem to be almost sex segregated…


Any thoughts?

  1. I’m really hoping a smile is enough, as a friend of a friend and I are always smiling at each other in between conversations and I’m going to work up
    The courage to ask her on a date

  2. Things have definitely changed over the years, but it’s still okay to approach people. Is Finland a bit more reserved when it comes to that?

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