Hey folks,

I’ve [M36] met someone [F32] a month ago. We’ve had an amazing time together. For such a recent dating app thing… neither of us was prepared for that kind of closeness and beauty.

However, last time she told me she couldn’t go all in atm as she has been single for only two months.

That stung a bit and now I’m not sure about how to continue.
Well, we’ll go for a three day short trip abroad next Wednesday. Which will be great.
But: I know she will continue using the app. Which is ok as it is. We aren’t exclusive. Whether she dates in the end, I don’t know.
However, I started having feelings for her and I don’t want to throw that away only because I can’t have it right now.

I know that she enjoys spending time with me a lot. And that she was surprised how much we got to enjoy our time together given the fact that she’s just broken up (I have no details on the former relationship).

Would you just be patient and see where this is going?
I don’t mind if she needs to be free and enjoy herself for now. Although it doesn’t seem that way.

The only worry is that we met too early and that all the magic wears off. And then I’ll be left with my head and heart all in (looking at people on Tinder feels so wrong for me atm so I can’t do that myself).
As for the magic…I know that if it wears off it would be the case in either way. I can only hope that the same situation doesn’t happen with another guy whenever she feels free again. Until then I can only be patient and giving her all the space she needs.

But getting out of it now seems the worst option of them all because then I’d never know.
And she’s not only a match I get along well with. We share a lot, too.

What would you do?


I don’t know whether it’s wise to continue dating someone who likes me a lot but has been single for only two months and doesn’t want to commit for now.

  1. I would keep your other matches open as well and also go out with them and see where it goes and if you find someone who is more in line with your views. At that age I personally think 2 months is plenty of time to seriously date someone else. Although maybe her last relationship was terrible and she got hurt and she’s protecting herself, it’s hard to say without knowing the situation. Now if she wants to be single and get her ‘singleness’ out of her system, then it’s probably a wash and you may just be a rebound.

  2. I’m not saying something to comfort you, what I’m about to say is what I would’ve done If I was you, I would go and confess to her that I seriously have feelings for you and it’s hurting me that you’re not prioritizing me. then she’ll give u proper answer whether there’s a chance or not.

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